Week 1: 2 Flashcards
The file transfer program can call upon the services of the Network Access Module. What is the Network Access Module?
It’s the module that simplifies the implementation of the file transfer program.
What does a network use to send data from one location ot another?
A combination of HW and SW
Transmission of data is complex due to numerous things
that can go wrong. List these things:
- Data arrives with errors
- Data arrives correct but out-of-order
- Data arrives correct but parts are missing
- Data arrives correct but duplicated
- Congestion among links
What is Layering?
A structuring technique to organize networking software design and implementation
- Layering model is the solution to the problem of
complexity in networking - Divide a task into pieces and then solve each piece
independently (or nearly so). - Establishing a well defined interface between layers
makes porting easier. - Major Advantages:
.. Code Reuse
.. Extensibility
What is a protocol suite?
A set of related protocols designed for compatibility
Protocol suite designers:
* Analyze communication problem
* Divide problems into sub-problems
* Design a protocol for each sub-problem
A well-designed protocol suite:
* Is efficient and effective - solves the problem without redundancy
and makes best use of network capacity
* Allows replacement of individual protocols without changes to
other protocols
What is the TCP/IP?
The layered protocol stack that dominatws data communications and networking today
Each layer calls upon the services of the layer below and
provides services to the layer above
List the TCP/IP layers:
- Physical
- Data link
- Network
- Transport
- Application
What does the Physical Layer do?
- Coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium
- Usually the focus of an electrical engineer
It is concerned with:
* Physical characteristics of interfaces and media
* Representation of bits
* Data rate
* Line configuration
* Physical Topology
* Transmission mode
* Synchronization of bits
What does the data link layer do?
It is responsible for node-to-node delivery.
It makes the
physical layer appear error free to the
network layer
Responsibilities of the data link layer include:
* Framing
* Physical Addressing
* Flow Control
* Error Control
* Access Control
What does the network layer do?
It’s responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a packet across multiple networks.
Responsibilities of the network layer include:
* Logical Addressing
* Routing
* ‘Accounting’ Tasks
* Protocol Conversions
What does the transport layer do?
It’s responsible for the process-to-process delivery of an entire message across multiple networks.
Responsibilities of the transport layer include:
* Service-point (Port) Addressing
* Segmentation and Reassembly
* Connection Control
* Flow Control
* Error Control
What does the application layer do?
It enables the user to access the network.
It provides user inerfaces and support for services
What is the OSI model?
A model of how protocols and
networking components should
be made.
What’s the uses of OSI model?
* Analyze
* Compare
* Troubleshoot
List the Layers of the OSI Model:
- Physical
- Data-link
- Network
- Transport
- Session
- Presentation
- Application