week 1 Flashcards
2 types of statements
positive, normative
What is a positive statement?
Statement that can be tested
What is a normative statement?
Opinion-based statement that can’t be tested
What science is economics and why
Social science. Because economic agents cannot predict how all humans behave due to humans’ irrational behaviour
Examples of economic agents
Govt, firms and households
What is opportunity cost
Benefits lossed when a decision is made
4 factors of production
Capital - man-made goods used to produce other goods and services
Enterprise - the person who organizes the other factors of production and takes risk
Labour- all human effort
Land - all natural resources
What do the FoPs produce
Goods and services
2 Types of mobility
Geographical - the ability to move from one area to another
Occupational - the ability to move from one use to another
What do PPFs show
show the ability to produce varying amounts of output of two goods/services, with the given FoP. AND the OC
Capital goods importance in PPFs
Capital goods are required to increase the factors of production.
If a company produces more capital goods it can produce more consumer goods as well in the long term
Curved PPF and diagram
Curved line PPFs mean the factors of production are not perfectly transferable, some if the factors of production are better at producing one good than the other. This means the opportunity cost changes along the PPF
3 types of PPF efficiency
Productive efficiency – producing at the lowest possible cost
Allocative efficiency - allocating resources in the best possible way to maximise welfare. We don’t know where this is because PPFs show us what we COULD produce and not what we SHOULD produce
as this is decided by supply and demand or governments
Straight line PPF and diagram
Straight-line PPFs mean that the factors of production are perfectly transferable. Factors of production are equally useful at producing both goods. This means that the opportunity cost is constant along the PPF.
DRAW diagram PG 11
Diminishing marginal utility meaning
- Diminishing – gets smaller
- Marginal – one more
- Utility – satisfaction
As you consume more of a g/s , , each subsequent unit consumed gives less satisfaction than the previous unit