Week 1 Flashcards
MAP calculation
1/3 pulse pressure + diastolic
PP = systolic - diastolic
cerebral perfusion pressure
ICP =Intracranial pressure
Int ra cranial pressure= force which MAP must
work against
I F MAP is reduced
Baroreceptors will detect change and
He can increase
Sv can increase
Also brain cause vasodilation to it’s arteries
Munroe Kelly doctrine
the cranial comportment is indertic and that the volume in side the cranium is fixed
cushing reflex/triad
hypertension bradycardia and irregular respirationdirect result of a rapid rise in ICP
Auto regulation CBF
function CBf has a functional cpp range of 50-150
Alteration in paco2, BP or blood pH will result in cerebral vasoconstrictipn or vasodilatipn
frontal lobe
Voluntary movement, expressive language and higher lever executive functions
Located at the front
Most common site of tbi
Parietal lobe
sensory info recieving and processing
Located at top behind frontal
Temporal lobe
Below parietal
Manages emotions, processing information from senses, storing and retrieving memories, and understanding language
movement and balance
Behind pons
Centre of brain
relay centre, Sensory and motor
Mid brain
relay station for auditory and visual
Top Most part of the brainstem
medulla oblongata
control of involuntary movement
Connection between brainstem and spinal cord
Cardiovascular respiratory regulation system
Relay centre between cerebellum and motor cortex
Sleep cycles
Muscles and information from the head