Week 1 Flashcards
What is a perceptron? What is its definition?
What is the learning rule of the perceptron?
What is the definition of a decision tree?
What is the difference between a decision tree and a random forest?
What is the definition of the Nearest Neightbor classification and regression?
What is the definition of a SVM (Support Vector Machine)?
What are the main three ML branches?
What is the definition of a gradient?
What is the definition of the Jacobian?
What is the definition of a Hessian?
What is the definition of a local minimum, a global minimum, and a extremum?
Proof that a minimum should have a gradient of zero.
What is the definition of a saddle point? Why is it important for ML?
Proof that a local minimum has a positive to be a semi-definite matrix.
What is the definition of convexity?