Week 1 Flashcards
What is meant by carbon being a stock problem
- the issue is about accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere and it is a global negative externalitiy
- idea of the carbon budget reinforces this idea
what is the carbon budget ?
to limit warming to 1.5oC with an 83% probability a max total amount of 300gt of CO2 can be emitted as of 2020 (IPCC)
What does the IEA estimate yearly global CO2 emissions from human activity to be ?
40 gt
When will the carbon budget be exhausted?
at the current rate in less than 6 yrs
What are some of the general issues about climate damages
disproportionately effecting the poor
- dont have the financial capacity to absorb the damages
- uninsured against climate physical risk
- international community is v slow to respond to the change
Honduras had 2x hurricanes Eta and Iota how much of the GDP did it cause in losses
20% - $5b
in 2020 their GDP contracted by 9%
What are reinsuring companies?
insurance companies that deal with some physical risks and damages
v large AUM globally exposed - make them exposed to CC risk
What did the Swiss Re Insitute predict about GDP is no action is taken?
cc will impact 48 countries represeting 90% of the world economy
there will be a 20% loss in world GDP if no action is taken
What does the wrold economic forum risk perception survey 2021-2022 say are the top 3 risks
- climate action failure
- extreme weather
- biodiversity loss
WEF risks ranking on a global scale - what are top three in the following periods
0-2 yrs
2-5 yrs
5-10 yrs - list as many as you can of the top 5
extreme weather
livelihood crisis
Climate action failure
Climate action failure
extreme weather
social cohesion erosion
climate action failure
extreme weather
biodiversity loss
natural resource crisis
human environmental damage
What are NDCs
an outcome of the Paris 2015 agreement
an agreement by all signatories to act on climate change and make a contribution
even with best case scenario with full implementation of tagets and net zero targets of long term pledges and NDCs we are off target with a warming projected between 1.5-2.4oc
Why is Paris seen to be a turning point
new approach
- inclusiveness
- bottom up rather than top down - NDCs
- participation by sub-national institutions and organisations like coalitions of municipalities, business, and financial institutions
Despite the fact it was imperfect - transformed the global approach to GHG emissions - more being done information wise for investors
What is the portfolio decarbonisation coalition
investor action and climate change
when it comes to cc we are all players not spectators
criticised Cop 21 for cheap talk and a lack of enforcement pushing hard policies
What are some of the criticisms of the INDCs submitted for COP 21
- Emission reduction target vary a lot in size
- they are not legally binding - no real implication if they don’t reach the target
- GHG/GDP - eg India, if they increase coal and increase GDP there emissions will not be reflected with this measure as they both go up
- different reference years and periods for implementation
What is the Inflation Reduction Act
US government commiting to subsidise green activities like green energy and green investment
material impact on investors
What are the finanical risks associated with physical risks
- global warming leads to lower productivity
- 14% drop in labor supply on days with max temp of 30oc in exposed industries
- greater natural disaster risks - flood, wildfire etc.
What are some simple ideas for the financial risks of transition risks
regulatory and technological risks
chaning social norms
political risks - mass migration caused by cc