Week 1 Flashcards
Epiblast form
the trilaminar embryonic disk: the mesoderm, the endoderm, the ectoderm
Ectoderm makes
neural crest and neural plate
Mesoderm differentiates into
paraxial, intermediate, and lateral
paraxial mesoderm
responsible for making axial skeleton and musculature
Intermediate mesoderm
makes the urogenetal system
lateral mesoderm
body wall, body cavities, GT tract, CT of limbs, and cardiovascular system
Lateral mesoderm splits into and what are they responsible for
somatic - makes the parietal layer of serous membrane, dermis, and the muscles of the body wall and splanchnic - visceral layer of serous membrane, GI tract
The intraembroyonic coleum
is the gap that forms when the lateral mesoderm splits into two
Folding that extrembroyonic folding goes through
craniocaudal folding and lateral folding
Conditions that happen when folding at the coleum does not happen properly
ectopic cordis, gastrochisis, and bladder wall - organs start to be on the outside of where they are supposed to be
Thoracic diaphragm
forms when 4 structures fuse: the septum transverse, the pleurpertineal membrane/folds, dorsal mesentery, and musculature from the body wall
Lung Development
Happens with the lung bud and the trachesphogeal septum formation (lack of it can cause RDS)
Somites and Vertebral Column form from
the paraxial mesoderm - split into the sclerotome and the dermamytome
Limb Formation
happens through limb buds and hox genes, lower limbs lag behind
Axises of the apical ectoderm ridge
The thing that buds off of the limb bub
- longitudinal axis - the middle part
- the preaxial axis - the thumb and big toe
- the postaxial axis - pinky finger and toe
Dorsal mass
extensor and supinator of upper limb, extensor and abductor of lower limb
Ventral mass
flexor and pronator of upper limb, flexor and adductor of lower limb
Rotation of upper limb
start from praying hands, rotate 90 degrees laterally
preaxial is lateral, postaxial - is medial
Rotation of lower limb
praying feet - rotation of 90 degrees medially, preaxial - is medial and postaxial is lateral
opposite C shaped, thoracic and sacral, primary
C shaped, secondary curvature, cervical and lumbar
Suboccipital triangle blood vessels
occipital artery and the vertebral artery
Suboccipital Triangle Nerve
Suboccipital nerve and greater occipital nerve
Dura matter (outmost CT), subdural space (a potential space), arachnoid mater (saran wrap material), subarachnoid space (filled with CSF and blood vessels), pia matter ( closest to the cord
Spinal Cord Length
Shorter than the vertebral column, stops at L1 - L2
Suboccipital muscles
rectus capitus, oblique capitis superior, oblique capitus inferior
Nerves in the Spinal Levels
8 cervicial, 12 throaic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccyxgeal
Nerves in the cervical region
Exit above the vertebral body
Nerves in the not-cervical region
Exit inferior to the vertebral body
Axillary artery branches - first part
one branch: superior thoracic artery
Axillary artery - second part
2 branches: thoracromial trunk and lateral thoracic artery
Axillary artery third part
three branches - anterior circumflex humeral artery, posterior humeral circumflex artery, subscapcular artery
Lymphatic Nodes of Axilla
pectoral nodes, subscapular nodes, humeral nodes, central nodes, apical nodes,
all of these drain into the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct
Scapular anastomosis
suprascapular artery, dorsal scapular artery, circumflex scapular artery
Autonomic efferent
2 cell chain, symphathetic and parasympathetic
smmoth, cardiac glands and muscles
Fiber contents of ventral root
somatic efferent, preganglionic sympathetic
Fiber contents of dorsal root
somatic afferent, visceral afferent
Fiber contents of dorsal primary ramus
postganglionic sympathetic, somatic afferent, somatic efferent
Fiber contents of ventral primary ramus
postganglionic symp, somatic afferent, somatic efferent
Fiber contents of white rami communicans
preganglionic symp, visceral afferent
Fiber contents of gray rami communicans
postganglionic symp
Fiber contents of Symphathetic chain
Preganglionic symp, postganglionic symp, visceral afferent
Fiber contents of symphathetic chain ganglion
preganglionic sympathetic, postganglionic sympathetic, visceral afferent, postganglionic symphathetic cell bodies
Fiber contents of prevertebral/collateral ganglion
pregang symp, post gang symp, visceral afferent, pregang para, post ganglionic symp cell bodies
Fiber contents of Intramural/Terminal ganglion
post ganglion para, visceral afferent, pregang para, post ganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies
Any peripheral nerve
somatic afferent, somatic efferent, postganglionic symp
Fiber contents of nerve associated with abdominal artery
post ganglionic symp, visceral afferent, preganglionic parasymp
Function of trapezius
Ascending - depresses the scapula
Descending - elevates the scapula
Middle- or all three parts, retracts the scapula
Function of latissmus dorsi
Extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus; raises body toward arms during climbing
Function of levator scapulae
Elevates the scapula, rotates its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula
Function of rhomboids
Retract scapula and rotate its glenoid cavity inferiorly; fix scapula to thoracic wall, helps elevate scapula
Function of Serratus Posterior
Accessory muscle in respiration
Function of Splenius
Seperate: laterally flexes the neck and rotates the head to side of active muscles Together: Extension of the head and neck
Function of ilocostalis
extend vertebral column and head when contracting bilaterally and lateral flexion of vertebral column
Function of Longissmus
extend vertebral column and head when contracting bilaterally and lateral flexion of vertebral column
Function of Spinalis
extend vertebral column and head when contracting bilaterally and lateral flexion of vertebral column
Function of Semispinalis
Extend head and vertebral column
Function of Rotares and multifidus
Stabilizes vertebrae
Function of subscapularis
Medial rotation, rotator cuff muscle
Function of supraspinatus
Lateral rotation, rotator cuff, 0-15 degrees of abduction
Function of infraspinatus
Lateral rotation, rotator cuff
Function of Teres major
Adducts and medially rotates the arm
Function of teres minor
Rotator cuff muscle, lateral rotation
Function of the deltoid
Abduction of 15-90 degrees, flexion of the arm, extension of the arm, medial rotation and lateral
Function of serratus anterior
Protracts and rotates the scapula
Function of Pec major
Adducts arm, medially rotate arm, flexes arm, extends arm from flexes position
Function of pec minor
stabilizes scapula, helps with respiration when scapula is fixed
Function of subclavius
Anchors and depresses clavicle
Function of bicep brachii
Supinates and flexes forearm, flexes, abduct, and medially rotate arm
Function of corocbrachialis
Helps flex and adduct arm; resists dislocation of shoulder
Function of brachialis
Flexes forearm
Function of tricep brachii
Extension of the forearm
Simple squamous
lining for abdominal, percardial, pleural cavities - lungs and heart
Simple cubidol
line ducts of exocrine glands, ovary surgace, kidney tubles, heptocytes, thyroid follicles
Simple Columnar
lines stomach, intestine, colon, gallblader, uterus
Pseudostratified columnar
respiratory passages, epidymis and ductus deferens
Stratified squamous
oral cavity, esphogaus, cervix, vagina, epidermis
Stratified squamous kertatinzed
skin, oral cavity
Stratified cubidol
sweat glad, anorector junction
stratifed columnar
rare - conjuctiva of the eye, anorectal junction,
transitional epithelium
ureter, bladder, urethra
product delivered via vescicles that fuse to the PM via exocytosis
sebum accumlates, undergos apoptosis, product released
release in PM bound vesicles, extruded from the cell
CNS neuroglia
oligodendrocytes (make mylein, myleinate multiple), astrocytes (regulate ion flow), micrglia (phagocytic cells), ependymal cells (lines CSF cavities
PNS neuroglia
satellite cells (maintain environment), schwann cell (mylienate one axon),