Week 1 Flashcards
Unit 1 terminology
The study of parasitic relationships that affect domestic, wild,exotic, lab animals to an extent parasites that have potential to be transmitted from animals to humans
Veterinary parasitology
Any association (temp/permanent) between 2 organisms of diff specie
Sym= together, Bios= living together.s.
One symbiont benefits from association, the other is neither helped nor harmed.
(ex. Barnacles on whales; egret eating insects stirred up by grazing animal; bird uses a tree hole for housing.)
Both symbionts benefit from association.
(Ex. Bacteria/ protazoans that live in the stomach of deer, cows, horeses, rabbits aid in digestion and the animal provides the organism w/ an environment to live)
Small organisms is mechanically transported by the large symbionts.
(Ex.flies transport bacteria from one animal to another
A short term relationship in which one symbiont benefits at the expense of the other.
Predatory/ prey
One symbiont the parasite ,lives in or on the other, the host. The parasite is metabolically dependent on the host for survival.
Parasite is present on/ in hosts but there ARE NO clinical signs of the infection
Parasite is present on/in hosts and THERE ARE clinical signs of infection.
Used to treat ecto-/endo- parasites.
Chemical compund that Kills roundworms, tapeworms, flukes, thorney headed worms.
Chemical comounds that kill mites & ticks.
Chemical compounds that kill insects
Chemical compunds that kills protozoans
The study of parasites and deseases cause by parasites.
Smaller organisms that lives in/on a larger organism at the expense of the larger organism
Parasite that lives IN the body of the host.
Parasite that lives ON the body of the host.
Parasites restricted to one host species.
Homoxenous or monoxenous
Parasite have a very narrow range of desirable hosts.
Parasites have a very broad range of desirable hosts.
Any diseases/parasite that is transmissable from animal to humans.
Parasite that must lead a parasitic existence; most parasites of domestic animals are __________ parasites
(Ex. Fleas, ticks, ear mites)
Obligatory parasite
Organism that is usually free living(non-parasitic) in nature and developes a parasitic existence in certain hosts.(do not rely on a host for survival)
Facultative parasite
Parasite that is found in a host which it usually doesn’t live.
(ex. Heartworms in humans)
Incidental parasite
Parasite that has wondered from its usual site of infection into an organ or location in which it DOES NOT ordinarily live, also called erratic parasite.
(Heartworm larva in the brain of a cat)
Abberant parasite
Remains on the host through entire life cycle.
Ex demodectic mites, ear mites, lice.
Permanent parasite
Gets on host to feeds then returns to environment.
Ex. Ticks, mosquitoes
Temporary parasite
Parasites that infect only one species are considered host specific (ex. Equine parasitic) parasites that can infect more than one species have host specificity. (ex. fleas that feed on anything)
Host specificity
Parasite that can infect both humans and animals.
Organisims or objects that appear to be a parasite but are not.
Harbors parasites in the adult matured reproductive stage. (Ex canine heartworms)
Definitive host
Harbors parasites in its immature stages (larva, asexual); mature to infective form in intermediate host. (Ex. Female mosquitoes are intermediate host for heartworms)
Intermediate host
Harbors immature parasite in tissue.
Parasitic host
A natural source of a parasite for humans/ domestic animals. (Not affected by parasite)
Reservoir host
Common name
Non-scientific name for a living organism in diff region of the world; may refer to diff organisms in differ places.(ex roundworms, fleas, pinworms, liver flukes)