Week 0 Gait Cycle Flashcards
Joint angles at Initial contact
HIP: 25 Flexion
Knee: Neutral ( 5 flexion)
Ankle: Plantargrade
Pelvis: 5 forwards
Joint angles at Loading response
HIP: 25 Flexion
Knee: 15 flexion
Ankle: 10 Plantarflexion
Pelvis: 5 forwards
Joint angles at Mid stance
HIP: Neutral
Knee: Neutral (5-0 flexion)
Ankle:5 Dorsiflexion
Pelvis: Neutral + lat pelvic tilt (higher stance side)
Joint angles at Terminal Stance
HIP:20 Extension Knee:0 Extension Ankle:10 Dorsiflexion MTP joints: 30 extension Pelvis:Backwards
Joint angles at Preswing
HIP:Neutral Knee:40 Flexion Ankle:20 Plantarflexion MTP joints: 60 extension Pelvis:Backwards
Joint angles at Initial Swing
HIP: 15 flexion
Knee: 60 flexion
Ankle: 10 plantarflexion towards neutral
Pelvis: towards Neutral
Joint angles at Mid Swing
HIP: 25 Flexion
Knee: 15 Flexion
Ankle: Plantargrade
Pelvis: Neutral +lat pelvic tilt(lower swinging limb side)
Joint angles at Terminal Swing
HIP: 20 Flexion
Knee: Neutral (5 flexion)
Ankle: Plantargrade
Pelvis: Forwards
List the phases of gait that are DLS
Initial contact
Loading response
When is potential energy of COM highest
When is kinetic energy of COM highest
Greatest Potential energy During MIDSTANCE (SLS)
Greatest Kinetic energy During DBL LIMB SUPPORT
(IC , LR, Psw)
When is VERTICAL and LATERAL displacement highest and lowest during gait
Vertical Dispiacement
LOWEST - Double limb support
HIGHEST- Midstance (sls)
Lateral Displacement
HIGHEST- Midstance & Midswing
*when the body must shift from 1 foot to another
Heel, Ankle & Forefoot Rocker
Fulcrum at each stage?
what gait stage do they occur at?
Heel rocker- During loading response
Heel= fulcrum
Ankle rocker-During midstance
Ankle= Fulcrum
Forefoot rocker- During terminal stance
Forefoot/metatarsal heads = fulcrum
List 4 ways in which displacement of COM is reduced during gait:
Transverse plane rotation of pelvis-
- ^ stride length t/f lowers COM
Inverted T of foot-Leg-
-^ stride length t/f lowers COM
Knee flexion— lowers COM
Lateral pelvic tilt in stance
List main features of Gait Cycle
Initial contact IC Loading Response IC-OT Midstance OT-HR Terminal stance {Heel off} HR-OI Preswing {Toe off} OI-TO Initial swing {Feet together}TO-FA Midswing FA-TV Terminal Swing TV-IC
Muscles working
Initial contact
Hip extensors
Knee co-contraction
Dorsiflexors isometrically
Muscles working
Loading response
Hip extensors eccentrically
Quadriceps eccentrically
Dorsiflexors eccentrically
Muscles working
Hip extensors concentrically
Quadriceps concentrically
Plantarflexors Eccentrically
Muscles working
Terminal stance
Hip flexors Eccentrically
Plantarflexors Eccentrically
Muscles working
Hip passive
Knee passive
Plantarflexors concentrically
Muscles working
Initial swing
Hip flexors concentrically
Passive knee
Dorsiflexors concentrically
Muscles working
Hip flexors Concentrically (Fading)
Knee passive
Dorsiflexors concentrically
Muscles working
Terminal swing
Hip extensors Eccentrically
Hamstrings Eccentrically
Dorsiflexors Isometrically
What is the average step length?
for males
for females
Males 74-77
Females 63-67
What is the average step width?
7-9 cm