Week 0-1 Flashcards
What does our healthcare system emphasise on ? 5
Health promotion
Primary care
Acute care
Intermediate care
Long term care
What is health promotion?
Individual and community shared responsibility supported by HPB
What does primary care consists of?
GP, private sector group practices
Family Medicine clinic
What does acute care consists of>
Private hospital and Restructured hospital and national centre
What is intermediate care?
VWO- owned community hospitals and Govt owned
what is long term care?
VWO owned nursing homes, private commercial operators and vanguard health
What is the mOH vision?
Championing a healthy nation with our people to live well, live long with peace of mind
What is the MOH’s mission? 3
1) promote good health and reduce illness
2) ensure that Singaporeans have access to good and affordable healthcare that is appropriate to needs; and
3) pursue medical excellence
What are the 5 key objectives of healthcare policy (1993 white paper on affordable healthcare)
1) To nurture a healthy nation and promoting good health
2) To promote personal responsibility for one’s health and avoid over- reliance on state wealth or medical insurance
3) to provide good and affordable basic medical services to all Singaporeans
4) To rely on competition and market forces to improve service and raise efficiency
5) to intervene directly in the healthcare sector, when necessary, where the markets fail to keep healthcare costs down.
What are the healthcare financing philosophy? 3
1) affordability and accessibility
2) individual responsibility
3) enable markets to work
(fr 1985)
what were the challenges faced by the healthcare industry? 4
1) Demographic Aging- rapid ageing.
elderly consume more healthcare services, resident labour force shrinks, hence suffers drastic decrease in age support ratio.
2) changes in disease pattern
- chronic diseases on the rise
3) changing social compact
- smaller family, income inequality
4) rising healthcare costs.
What did the govt do to implement beyond quality to value
1)Use Data to Guide Decisions
* Guide decisions on
treatment and
* Optimise health
outcomes per dollar
Drive Productivity Improvements
* Review Rules & Processes
e.g. Risk-based Regulatory
* Leverage on Technology
e.g., Smart Wards
Moderate Fee Escalation in Private Sector
* Fee Benchmarks on
reasonable fees
* Tackle overcharging
Issue care & drug guidances
* Help clinicians factor
clinical outcomes & costeffectiveness in care
* Align financing levers to
ACE Guidances
what is Beyond healthcare to health about?
Screening & Early
Diagnosis Active Ageing
What does the Singapore financing model consist of? 4 S+3Ms
Subsidies -80% at public health care
Medishield life and other life insurance
How much subsidy does each class get?
A, B1, B2+, B2, C
Subsidy level for Citizens who have average
monthly income $3,200 and below
Class C = 80%
Class B2 = 65%
Class B2+ = 50%
Class A and B1 = No subsidy
What are the challenges faced by SG healthcare? 6
- Healthcare financing
- Ageing population and management of chronic
diseases - Healthcare manpower issues
- Communicable disease control (e.g. dengue, COVID-
19) - Noncommunicable disease control (e.g. diabetes,
hypertension) - Hospital infrastructure and accessibility
How does the ageing population impact
healthcare services?
- Increased demand on healthcare services
Need to expand capacity of healthcare services - Change in how we deliver healthcare
Increase in chronic disease
Increase care within the community - Increase in healthcare costs
Greater demand leads to increased healthcare cost
Translating Healthcare Policy to Healthcare
Five fundamental objectives are to:
- nurture a healthy nation;
- promote personal responsibility for one’s health;
- provide good and affordable basic medical services to
all Singaporeans; - improve service and raise efficiency; and
- Keep health care costs down.
what does the New Care model consist of ? 5
individuals- responsible for their own health, opt ofr clinically and cost effective treatments
doctors: provide quality care at reasonable price
Providers ( hospitals) : charge reasonable, improve productivity to deliver great value for patients
payers: insurers: encourage prudent practices while keeping policyholder’s interest in mind
Govt: implement 3 beyongs
support stakeholders in making informed decisions.
What is the 3 beyond?
- Healthcare to health
- Hospital to
community - Quality to value
What is beyond hospital to community about?
Strengthening primary care and acute care
How did the goverment implement beyond healthcare to health?
- reduce sugar intake from prepackaged beverages and mandatory grading system labels for prepared bevergaes too.
- encourage drinking plain water
- harnessing technology
what is beyond quality to value about?
Towards affordable and sustainable healthcare with medisave, fee benchmarks,
Transforming Healthcare to Meet Evolving
Needs, all eldercare centres to provide baseline support services for seniors, launch of assisted licing typology pilot.
Enhancing capabilities in community care manpower via salary enhancements, scholarship and leadership programme.
support workforce longeivity: retirement age from 63 to 68.
strengthening continuing education and training- up to date.