Weed Identification Flashcards
Vigorous annual with considerable variation. Grow up to 3 ft in some areas, 6 - 8 in. In other areas. Stems may be erect or restin on the ground.
Bright or pale green, tufted annual grass with soft foliage. Plants reach a height of 4 - 8 inches often root at the lower nodes of prostrate stems.
Annual Bluegrass
An annual or winter annual that reproduces only by seed. The plants are usually 10-15 inches high, although viable seeds may develop on plants no more than 2 inches high. The leaf blades and sheaths are hairy.
Downy brome
Perennial with u branched stems commonly 1-3 feet high; leaf blades are flat, thin, and form 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide. Leaf sheath and blades may be thinly covered with soft hairs or sometimes with whitish, powdery bloom, but are mostly w/o the hairy covering.
Annual with stems that are often prostrate at the base. the plants vary in height from 1/2” to 2 1/2’. Both leaves and stems have conspicuous hairs. The diffuse panicle is densely flowered and produces an abundance of seeds. The individual grains are tiny and enclosed in the flowering scales.
Perennial from slender rootstocks and thick taproots with milky sap. The stems are slender, erect, and 2 - 3 feet high or more. The lower leaves are occasionally heart-shaped, the stem leaves are narrower, 2 - 4 inches long, irregularly serrated on the margins. The bell-shaped flowers are blue, about 1 inch long, and nodding on the stem.
Creeping Bellflower
Perennial from deep-seated taproot, which gives rise to several or numerous slender underground rhizomes or prostrate, twining stems. The leaves are alternate and arrow-shaped mostly about 1 - 2 inches long. White or pink bell-shaped flowers, frequently as much as an inch in length, are borne on stalks about 1 inch long, which rise from axils of the leaves.
Field bindweed
Perennial with milky juice from a long, deep taproot with stems from 1 - 4 feet high. The leaves are alternate, rough and hairy, the lower leaves are deeply cut and large with the stem. The flowering heads are about 1 1/2 inches broad with several blue, rarely pink or white flowers in each head.
Annual or winter annual with much branched creeping or ascending branches with a conspicuous line of hairs on one side. The plants may root at the nodes and form mats. The leaves are broadly oval and pointed. Those on the lower part of the plant have definite stalks while those higher on the branches do not. Flowers are no more than 1/4 inch across with petals somewhat shorter than the sepals. Capsules are many seeded, extend beyond the sepals and open by six teeth.
Common chickweed
Perennial from a stout taproot with ridged stems up to 3 feet high. Leaves are 4 to 12 inches long and have a way and curly margin. The flowers are small and in dense, brown clusters. The fruits are reddish-brown, triangular, and nearly 1/10 inch long. The waving and curled leaf margin will serve as the key character.
Curly dock
annual or biennial with spreading or nearly prostrate stem. The leaves are much dissected with paired stipules at the base of the leaf stalks. The flowers are pink to purple and in umbrella-like clusters. There are five sepals and each one is bristle tipped. The fruit is made up of five parts that become separated at maturity. The long styles appear as tails on the fruits and become spirally twisted when dry.
Redstem filaree
A creeping or trailing perennial with flowers much like those found in catnip.
Ground ivy
Prostrate mats that become much branched with maturity. The leaves are bluish-green in color, thin, and with an acute apex. Inconspicuous rose colored flowers appear in the axils of the leaf. The fruits “seeds” are three angled and a dull brown to black. Parts of the flower will usually remain attached to the fruits.
Prostrate knotweed
Erect annual that becomes much branched. the species is highly variable in color and form. Spherical and pyramidal plants in colors of varying green to reds are often grown in our gardens and escape from cultivation. The leaves are placed alternatively on the stem and usually have conspicuous hairy margin. The small flowers are in axillary clusters and the individual flowers have a five lobed calyx that develops into wing like appendages.
This species is an annual from 1 to 6 feet high with ridged, green, or sometimes reddish-striped stems. Leaves are highly variable in shape but usually somewhat triangular in online with coarsely toothed margins. The lower leaf surface is grayish green and densely covered with mealy particles. The small flowers are crowded in the leaf axils and at the stem tips. Each flower develops a tiny, single shiny black seed that is often covered by a white papery envelope, the calyx.
Common lambsquarters