Wednesday [14/6/23] Flashcards
what is hypoglycaemia? [1]
below 4 BMs
first-line regardless if they are symptomatic? [2]
fast-acting carbohydrates liquid like glucojuice, fruit juice, sugar
what should be avoided first line hypoglycaemia? [2]
choclates and biscuits as they have lower sugar content and high fat might delay stomach emptying
what should be done if BM levels don’t increase after glucojuice? [1]
repeat after 15 minutes up to 3 treatments maximum in total
once recovered, what should be given to patients? [2]
snack providing long-acting carbohydrate should be given to patient -> biscuits/slice of bread etc.
if hypoglycaemia not managed by 3 glucogels what should be done? [2]
IM glucagon or gluocse 10% infusion.
what should be given to a patient who is unconscious or having seizures?
Hypoglycaemia which causes unconsciousness is an emergency. Patients who are unconscious, having seizures, or who are very aggressive, should have any intravenous insulin stopped, and be treated initially with glucagon. If glucagon is unsuitable, or there is no response after 10 minutes, glucose 10% intravenous infusion, or alternatively glucose 20% intravenous infusion should be given
should glucose 50% ever be used in acute setting? [2]
Glucose 50% intravenous infusion is not recommended as it is hypertonic, thus increases the risk of extravasation injury, and is viscous, making administration difficult.
should insulin injection be ommited for unwell patients? [2]
If an insulin injection is due, it should not be omitted; however, a review of the usual insulin regimen may be required. Patients who self-manage their insulin pump may need to adjust their pump infusion rate. If the patient was on intravenous insulin, continue to check blood-glucose concentration every 15 minutes until above 3.5 mmol/litre, then re-start intravenous insulin after review of the dose regimen. Concurrent glucose 10% intravenous infusion should be considered.
how common are renal stones? [2]
Renal tract stones (also termed urolithiasis) are a common condition, affecting around 2-3% of the Western population. They are more common in males and typically affect those <65yrs. They commonly form as renal stones (within the kidney) but can migrate to become ureteric stones (within the ureter).
how often are renal stones made of calcium? [2]
Around 80% of urinary tract stones are made of calcium, as either calcium oxalate (35%), calcium phosphate (10%), or mixed oxalate and phosphate (35%). The remaining stone compositions include struvite stones* (magnesium ammonium phosphate), urate stones (the only radiolucent stones), and cystine stones (typically associated with familial disorders affecting cystine metabolism).
what causes struvite stones? [2]
For struvite stones, also called infection stones, form in alkaline urine in the presence of urease-producing organisms, such as Proteus and Klebisella species. Urease catalyses urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia, which leads to the precipitation of magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals.
what causes urate stones? [2]
For urate stones, high levels of purine in the blood, either from diet (e.g. red meats) or through haematological disorders (such as myeloproliferative disease), results in increase of urate formation and subsequent crystallisation in the urine.
what causes cystine stones/ [2]
For cystine stones, these are typically associated with homocystinuria, an inherited defect that affects the absorption and transport of cystine in the bowel and kidneys; as citrate is a stone inhibitor, hypocitraturia from the condition can thus predispose affected individuals to recurrent stone formation
where are the common places for stones to form? [2]
Pelviureteric Junction (PUJ), where the renal pelvis becomes the ureter
Crossing the pelvic brim, where the iliac vessels travel across the ureter in the pelvis
Vesicoureteric Junction (VUJ), where the ureter enters the bladder
common clinical features of renal stones [3]
The most common presenting symptom of ureteric stone is pain*, termed ureteric/renal colic, which occurs from the increased peristalsis from around the site of obstruction. The pain has a sudden onset, severe, and radiates from flank to pelvis (termed “loin to groin”), often associated with nausea and vomiting.
Distal ureteric stones may cause urinary frequency or need to micturate (despite an empty bladder). Haematuria occurs in around 90% cases, however this is typically non-visible. In certain cases, renal calculi can become infected, therefore associated symptoms, such as rigors, fevers, or lethargy. may be present; in severe cases, patient’s may shown clinical features of sepsis.
differentials for flank pain
Differentials for flank pain include pyelonephritis, ruptured AAA, biliary pathology, bowel obstruction, lower lobe pneumonia, or musculoskeletal related pain.
what is the gold standard for renal stones? [2]
The gold standard for diagnosis of renal stones is a non-contrast CT scan of the renal tract (KUB). The benefit of the CT KUB (Fig. 3) as an imaging modality is the high sensitivity and specificity in identifying stone disease, as well as concurrent assessment of any alternative pathology.
how good are ultrasound scans at picking up kidney stones
Ultrasound scans of the renal tract can often be used concurrently in cases of known stone disease, to assess for any hydronephrosis (they can also often detect renal stones, however not ureteric stones). Its benefits are in no radiation risk, however are often operator dependent.
most effective treatment for kidney stones
For the majority of cases, renal stones will pass spontaneously without further intervention*, especially if in the distal ureter or <5mm in diameter. Ensuring patients have sufficient analgesia is paramount (NSAIDs per rectum are the most effective).
Any evidence of significant infection or sepsis present warrants intravenous antibiotic therapy and urgent referral to the urology team.
criteria for inpatient admission renal stones
Post-obstructive acute kidney injury
Uncontrollable pain from simple analgesics
Evidence of an infected stone(s)
Large stones (>5mm)
managing obstructing stones
Patients with any evidence of obstructing stones may warrant primary ureteroscopy or ESWL (see below) to clear the stone, but if they have any evidence of infection or acute kidney injury, they need urgent decompression with stent insertion or a nephrostomy.
Retrograde stent insertion is the placement of a stent within the ureter, approaching from distal to proximal via cystoscopy (Fig. 4). It allows the ureter to be kept patent and temporarily relieve the obstruction.
A nephrostomy is a tube placed directly into the renal pelvis and collecting system, relieving the obstruction proximally (Fig. 5). If required, an anterograde stent can subsequently be passed via the same tract made.
definitive management of renal stones
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) involves targeted sonic waves to break up the stone, to then be passes spontaneously. This is typically reserved for small stones (<2cm), performed via radiological guidance (either X-ray or ultrasound imaging). Contra-indications include pregnancy and those on anticoagluants or coagulopathy
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is used for renal stones only, being the preferred method for large renal stones (including staghorn calculi). Percutaneous access to the kidney is performed, with a nephroscope passed into the renal pelvis. The stones can then be fragmented using various forms of lithotripsy.
Flexible uretero-renoscopy (URS) involves passing a scope retrograde up into the ureter, allowing stones to be fragmented through laser lithotripsy and the fragments subsequently removed.
serum level of urate to confirm diagnosis of gout
urate level of 360 micromol/L confirms the diagnosis
stages of CKD
1= normal or high GFR
2= 60-89
3 A = 45-59
3b = 30-44
4 = 15-29
5 = below 15
Mx of tachycardia
look up guidelines