wed test Flashcards
conceptual skills
Skills that involve the ability to picture the organization as a whole and the relationships among its various parts.
technical skills
Skills that involve the ability to perform tasks in a specific discipline or department.
human relation skills
Skills that involve communication and motivation; they enable managers to work through and with people.
top management
Highest level of management, consisting of the president and other key company executives who develop strategic plans.
A management function that includes hiring, motivating, and retaining the best people available to accomplish the company’s objectives.
A management function that includes anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
A management function that includes designing the structure of the organization and creating conditions and systems in which everyone and everything work together to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.
Creating a vision for the organization and guiding, training, coaching, and motivating others to work effectively to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.
A management function that involves establishing clear standards to determine whether or not an organization is progressing toward its goals and objectives, rewarding people for doing a good job, and taking corrective action if they are not.
An encompassing explanation of why the organization exists and where it’s trying to head.
mission statement
An outline of the fundamental purposes of an organization.
The broad, long-term accomplishments an organization wishes to attain.
Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve the organization’s goals.
SWOT analysis
A planning tool used to analyze an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
strategic planning
The process of determining the major goals of the organization and the policies and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.
tactical planning
The process of developing detailed, short-term statements about what is to be done, who is to do it, and how it is to be done.
operational planning
The process of setting work standards and schedules necessary to implement the company’s tactical objectives.
contingency planning
The process of preparing alternative courses of action that may be used if the primary plans don’t achieve the organization’s objectives.
6 steps of making decisions
- define the situation
- describe and collect information
- develop alternatives
- decide which alternative is best
- do what is indicated (implementation)
- determine if the decision was good
Coming up with as many solutions to a problem as possible in a short period of time with no censoring of ideas.
Listing all the pluses for a solution in one column, all the minuses in another, and the implications in a third column.
The presentation of a company’s facts and figures in a way that is clear and apparent to all stakeholders.
controlling consists of five steps
- establish clear standards
- monitor and record performance
- compare results against standards
- communicate results
- take corrective action
external customers
end users and people who buy products to resell
internal customers
Individuals and units within the firm that receive services from other individuals or units.
economies of scale
The situation in which companies can reduce their production costs if they can purchase raw materials in bulk; the average cost of goods goes down as production levels increase.
Who is Henri Fayol and what did he do
he was an economic theoretician who published a book called General and Industrial management
what were fayol’s principles
unity of command, hierarchy of authority, division of labor, subordination of interests, authority, degree of centralization, clear communication channels, order, equity, loyality
Who was Max weber and what was his theory
wrote the book “The theory of social and economic organizations”
he promoted an organizational structure composed of middle managers who implement the orders of top managers . He believed that less educated workers best worked if managers gave them strict rules and monitored their performance
chain of command
The line of authority that moves from the top of a hierarchy to the lowest level.
An organization with many layers of managers who set rules and regulations and oversee all decisions.
centralized authority
An organizational structure in which decision-making authority is maintained at the top level of management at the company’s headquarters.
decentralized authority
An organizational structure in which decision-making authority is delegated to lower-level managers more familiar with local conditions than headquarters management could be.
span of control
The optimum number of subordinates a manager supervises or should supervise.
tall organizational
An organizational structure in which the pyramidal organization chart would be quite tall because of the various levels of management.
flat organizational structures
An organizational structure that has few layers of management and a broad span of control.
The dividing of organizational functions into separate units.
line organization
An organization that has direct two-way lines of responsibility, authority, and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organization, with all people reporting to only one supervisor.
line personnel
Employees who are part of the chain of command that is responsible for achieving organizational goals.
staff personnel
Employees who advise and assist line personnel in meeting their goals.
matrix organization
An organization in which specialists from different parts of the organization are brought together to work on specific projects but still remain part of a line-and-staff structure.
cross functional self managed teams
Groups of employees from different departments who work together on a long-term basis.
The process of establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in one’s own organization and other organizations and using those contacts to weave strong relationships that serve as informal development systems.
real time
The present moment or the actual time in which something takes place.
virtual corporation
A temporary networked organization made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed.
Comparing an organization’s practices, processes, and products against the world’s best.
core competencies
Those functions that the organization can do as well as or better than any other organization in the world.
digital natives
Young people who have grown up using the Internet and social networking.
Redesigning an organization so that it can more effectively and efficiently serve its customers.
inverted organization
An organization that has contact people at the top and the chief executive officer at the bottom of the organization chart.
organizational/corporate culture
Widely shared values within an organization that provide unity and cooperation to achieve common goals.
formal organization
The structure that details lines of responsibility, authority, and position; that is, the structure shown on organization charts.
informal organization
The system that develops spontaneously as employees meet and form cliques, relationships, and lines of authority outside the formal organization; that is, the human side of the organization that does not appear on any organization chart.
what principles did weber add
added principles of bureaucracy such as job descriptions, written rules and guidelines, consistent procedures, and staffing and promotion based on qualifications
intrinsic reward
The personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals.
extrinsic reward
Something given to you by someone else as recognition for good work; extrinsic rewards include pay increases, praise, and promotions.
who was fredrick taylor and what did he do
the father of scientific management
scientific management is Studying workers to find the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching people those techniques.
time motion studies
Studies, begun by Frederick Taylor, of which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task.
principle of motion economy
Theory developed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth that every job can be broken down into a series of elementary motions.
elton mayo and the hawthorne studies
tested the degree of lighting associated with optimum productivity along with temperature and humidity
hawthorne effect
The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied.
maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Theory of motivation based on unmet human needs from basic physiological needs to safety, social, and esteem needs to self-actualization needs.
herzberg’s motivation factors
- sense of achievement
- earned recognition
- interest in the work itself
- opportunity for growth
- opportunity for advancement
- importance of responsibility
- peer and group relationships
8 pay - supervisor fairness
- company policies and rules
- status
- job security
- supervisors friendliness
- working conditions
theory x
average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible
theory y
most people like work
ouchis theory z
american way of working combined with japanese way of working
goal setting theory
The idea that setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted, accompanied by feedback, and facilitated by organizational conditions.
Peter Drucker’s system of goal-setting and implementation; it involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees.
victor vrooms expectancy theory
Victor Vroom’s theory that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome.
equity theory
The idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions.
job enrichment
A motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker through the job itself.
job enlargement
A job enrichment strategy that involves combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment.
job rotation
A job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from one job to another.
The process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals.
affirmative action
Employment activities designed to “right past wrongs” by increasing opportunities for minorities and women.
reverse discrimination
Discrimination against whites or males in hiring or promoting.
americans with disability act: employers have to give these people the same consideration and chances as a normal person
age discrimination in employment act: protects older individuals in the workplace over discrimination
contingent workers
Workers who do not have the expectation of regular, full-time employment.
training and development
All attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employee’s ability to perform. Training focuses on short-term skills, whereas development focuses on long-term abilities.
vestibule training
Training done in classrooms where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on the job. Also referred to as near-the-job training.
job simulation
The use of equipment that duplicates job conditions and tasks so that trainees can learn skills before attempting them on the job.
management development
The process of training and educating employees to become good managers and then monitoring the progress of their managerial skills over time.
performance apprasal
An evaluation that measures employee performance against established standards in order to make decisions about promotions, compensation, training, or termination.
fringe benefits
Benefits such as sick-leave pay, vacation pay, pension plans, and health plans that represent additional compensation to employees beyond base wages.
cafeteria style fringe benefits
Fringe benefits plan that allows employees to choose the benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount.
flextime plan
Work schedule that gives employees some freedom to choose when to work, as long as they work the required number of hours.
core time
In a flextime plan, the period when all employees are expected to be at their job stations.
compressed workweek
Work schedule that allows an employee to work a full number of hours per week but in fewer days.
job sharing
An arrangement whereby two part-time employees share one full-time job.
An employee organization that has the main goal of representing members in employee–management bargaining over job-related issues.
collective bargaining
The process whereby union and management representatives form a labor–management agreement, or contract, for workers.
union shop agreement
Clause in a labor–management agreement that says workers do not have to be members of a union to be hired, but must agree to join the union within a prescribed period.
agency shop agreement
Clause in a labor–management agreement that says employers may hire nonunion workers; employees are not required to join the union but must pay a union fee.
right to work laws
Legislation that gives workers the right, under an open shop, to join or not join a union if it is present.
open shop agreement
Agreement in right-to-work states that gives workers the option to join or not join a union if one exists in their workplace.
A charge by employees that management is not abiding by the terms of the negotiated labor–management agreement.
shop stewards
Union officials who work permanently in an organization and represent employee interests on a daily basis.
A union strategy in which workers refuse to go to work; the purpose is to further workers’ objectives after an impasse in collective bargaining.
primary boycott
When a union encourages both its members and the general public not to buy the products of a firm involved in a labor dispute.
secondary boycott
An attempt by labor to convince others to stop doing business with a firm that is the subject of a primary boycott; prohibited by the Taft-Hartley Act.
An attempt by management to put pressure on unions by temporarily closing the business.
A court order directing someone to do something or to refrain from doing something.
Workers hired to do the jobs of striking workers until the labor dispute is resolved.
The use of a third party, called a mediator, who encourages both sides in a dispute to continue negotiating and often makes suggestions for resolving the dispute.
The agreement to bring in an impartial third party (a single arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators) to render a binding decision in a labor dispute.