Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-1905) Flashcards
Christian Europe
medieval europe (before 1500s) was religious, but not uniform in its religiosity
not entirely Christian – had Jews, Muslim
spain, france, sisely used to be muslim
no homogeneity: much were christian, but pockets of judaism + islam
Christian Europe
there was descent within christian europe
up until 1500, Roman Catholic had monopoly
there were ppl who descented, they saw a gap betw teachings of bible + practices of the institution
Christian Europe
representatives (politically + economically powerful) all over Christian europe
christianity values humility
did not call into question beliefs, but institution
Martin Luther (1483-1546) and the Protestant Reformation
catholic monk in german town
disturbed by corruption of church
trip to rome which friar sold papal indulgences from pope
came back to town + famously nailed onto the church the 95 thesis
questioned authority of pope
transubstantiation: body of Christ in wine + bread
Martin Luther (1483-1546) and the Protestant Reformation
posited salvation possible outside institution of Church
excommunicated – consisted of dozens of political units, some princes took sides with Luther, some just reaction to power of church
religion became embedded in politics of that day
spread to switzerland, france, netherlands
Calvinism & Predestination
branch of protestanism john calvin: protestant theologan lived in swiss – moved to england, scotland moved to puritans notion of double predestination
Calvinism & Predestination
God is all knowing + all powerful
Already knows who is amongst the elect + who is amongst damned
Minimizes free will
Gloomy religion assumes destination of souls has been decided at birth
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
Mistake in understanding: think people believe in calvinism believe they worked hard, they can win God’s grace and be more likely to go to heaven
He argues that being able to work hard, save were signs that one was amongst the elect
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
He argued that it created a psychological burden: to find sign provided relief
The ability to perform tasks assigned by God provided a sign that
It’s not unswerving devotion that provided salvation it is this devotion + ascetism are signs that one is amongst the elect
Every hour lost is an hour lost to labour for the glory of God
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
highly religious + spiritual doing precisely what it is that a successful businessman would do
paradoxical result in acting in this religious way is to achieve worldly materialistic success
identified 4 types of action
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
rational choice: cost/benefit analysis as form of action to achieve ends
sometimes we behave in a way driven by emotions
action driven by habit
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
value rational action: do what we do because it is most efficient way, or emotions compel us, or out of habit, instead see this way of acting as valid in itself
nonviolence – independent of effectiveness – valid way of acting in itself
Weber on the Protestant Ethic
ascetic mode – not a means of getting rich/buying way into God – seen as valuable in itself because it achieves redemption
. Interpreting Weber’s Argument
not saying ideas drive history
not for purely cultural reasons
qualified limited argument
1 point in history there was an elective affinity, harmony betw ways of believing + ways of economic activity of capitalism
. Interpreting Weber’s Argument
not saying protestantism was a preconditionism
for brief moment gave capitalism a special dynamic early on
case Weber prevents replete of ambiguitiies, inconsistencies, taken grain of salt