web marketing- segmentation Flashcards
empirical research?
But with modern web traffic analysis, segmentation has truly come into its own, and marketing has become a whole lot more rigorous and empirical.

People who click through an organic link, have a much lower bounce rate
When a visitor to a home page or landing page leaves the site immediately, without clicking on any internal links.
The exact path a visitor follows through a web site - what do they view, where do they spend the most time, etc.
conversion rate (to registration)
The percentage of not previously registered visitors in a website who register and provide identity information - typically an e-mail address, phone number, etc.
conversion rate (to revenues)
- The percentage of visitors not previously customers who become customers.
let’s identify common characteristics shared by visitors with:
- high conversion to revenue rates,
- high recurring revenue and lifetime value
device (when tracking the origin of web site visitor)?
- A metric that considers whether the visitor viewed the site from a PC or Mac, or a mobile device.
When we segment our customers into groups and identify common characteristics, what can we firgure out?
- what kind of visitors later become our best customers and focus on attracting more like them,
we’re engaged in a fairly sophisticated form of segmentation.
some types of metrics we can use to segment our customers and potential customers?
*where do visitors to our website come from?
- sponsored - clicked on ad placed on search engine
- Organic search - clicked on an unpaid from search results.
- clicked on a link that we placed in a group email or in a tweet.
- third party website - Someone like a food critic wrote a blog post or article about us and
included a link to our site.
- direct - they typed in our URL themselves
*what kind of devices our visitors are using:
- Mobile- IOS or android
- Mac or Windows
- browser
*Where in the world they are:
- country and state and region- IP addresses provide geographic information
*are they new or returning visitors:
*What happened at the site - did they bounce?
*What was the total duration of their visit?
*How many of our site’s webpages did they visit?
- The time interval that a visitor spends on some part of a company’s site.
LTV - various measures
Life Time Value - a metric intended to estimate the discounted present value of all future revenues from a new customer.
It is calculated a number of different ways depending on context.
What method to use is a matter of individual preference and judgment
discounted present value
is a concept in economics and finance that refers to a method of measuring the value of payments or utility that will be received in the future.
Most people would agree that receiving $1,000 today is better than receiving $1,000 in a year, because $1,000 today can be used for consumption or investment. This feature is referred to as time value of money—a given amount of money today is better than the same amount of money in the future. Discounted present value allows one to calculate exactly how much better, most commonly using the interest rate as an input in a discount factor, the amount by which future payments are reduced in order to be comparable to current payments.
There are two ways to think about discounted present value—transferring money from the future to the present via borrowing or transferring money from the present to the future via lending. In both cases the interest rate at which one can borrow or lend is a crucial part of the formula.
Suppose a firm is scheduled to receive a payment of $1,000 in a year. To understand how much this payment is worth to the firm today, we can calculate how much the firm can borrow today against that payment:
x · (1 + i ) = 1000,
where i is the interest rate. Then, x = 1000/(1 + i ). The factor 1/(1 + i ) by which we multiply the future payment is called a discount factor.
If the payment is scheduled to arrive in two years instead, we can use a two-step approach. Assuming the interest rate is the same for two years, a year from today the value of the payment will be 1000/(1 + i ), which today is worth
(1000/(1 + i )).1/(1 + i ) = 1000/(1 + i )2.
Thus, for discounting the payments far in the future the compound interest rate is used.
organic link
Search results that are not paid for.
- A tweet that originates with one author and is reposted by another - the format is RT@username. Retweets indicate that the retweeting party (a holder of a Twitter account) thinks your tweet will be of interest to his or her audience as well as your own.
segmentation -
The process of classifying one’s current customers or target customers by recognizable, traceable attributes such as how much on average they purchase in a year.
social link (when tracking origin of web site visitor)
- A URL to a company landing page that is embedded in a Facebook post, tweet, Instagram, or other social media.
*is embedded=
(of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted.
“a gold ring with nine embedded stones”
social signal
- The fact that search engine rankings are influenced by a company’s activity and success on social media, including Facebook likes, retweets, etc.
The stronger the “social signal”, the higher the ranking.
sponsored link
- An advertisement shown along with organic search results.
third-party web site
- Any web site that is not part of a company or its paid advertising network - blogs, review sites, news sites, etc.
- A 140-character message in response to Twitter’s “What are you doing?”
People who click through an organic link or sponsored link have a much lower bounce rate?
organic link have a much lower bounce rate
the process to improve our organic ranking in search result called?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
Basics SEO steps?
3 steps
- make sure that our content is current, substantive and directly relevant:
avoid diluting (làm loãng) our landing page results with unrelated topics or unrelated vocabulary.
- Try to get third-party web sites that have authoritative reputations for substantive opinions, like quality journalistic and
product review sites and blogs, to mention us and provide a link to our web site.
- Increase our social signal by increasing our Facebook page likes, retweets, and building a substantive Google Plus page and increasing likes for it as well.

authoritative reputations
danh tiếng có thẩm quyền
substantive opinion
having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful, or considerable.
how many percent of google’s revenue is from advertising?
33.2 billions/ 33.3 billion (Q3-2010- Q2-2011)

How To Calculate Lifetime Value – The Infographic