Web Dev Terminology Flashcards
The process of translating developer code into another language or a different version of the same language that can be understood by the browser.
The process of removing unnecessary code formatting and comments without changing the code’s functionality to improve the application’s performance by decreasing file sizes.
The process of resolving file dependencies and merging or ‘packaging’ the files or modules into optimized bundles for the browser to reduce the number of requests for files when a user visits a web page.
Code splitting
The process of splitting the application’s bundle into smaller chunks required for each entry point/URL to improve the application’s initial load time by only loading the code required to run the page.
Build time
The process of preparing application code for production
The period of time when your application runs in response to a user’s request (after the application has been built and deployed).
The browser on the user’s device that …
- sends a request to a server for your application code
- turns the response received from the server into a UI the user can interact with
A computer that …
- stores application code,
- receives requests from the client,
- sends back an appropriate response to the client
The process of converting React code into the HTML representation of your UI.
The external data is fetched and React components are turned into HTML before the result is sent to the client.
Client-side rendering
An empty HTML page is sent to the client along with instructions on how to construct the UI, which happens on the user’s device.
Server-side rendering
The HTML of the page is generated on the server for each request.
The generated HTML, JSON data and JS instructions to make the page interactive are then sent to the client.
The user sees a non-interactive version of the page first while React uses the data and instructions to make the page interactive.
The process of using JSON data and JavaScript instructions to make initially non-interactive pages into interactive components.
Static Site Generation
The HTML is generated on the server, but content is only created once, at build time when the application is deployed and the HTML is stored in a CDN and re-used for each request.
Origin Servers
The main computer that stored and runs the original version of your application (as opposed to DCN servers and Edge servers)