weathering Flashcards
define denudation
wearing away of the earth’s surface done via weathering, erosion, mass movement
define weathering
breakdown/disintegration of rock in-situ due to long term exposure to elements in weather such as action of rainwater, extreme changes in temperature and biological activity
define erosion
removal of surface of earth by agents of erosion such as wind, water and ice
list three types of weathering
define physical/mechanical weathering
involves rock breaking apart disintegrating without any chemical change taking place
define chemical weathering
chemical change causes rocks to dissolve/decay and disintegrate
due to alteration in chemical composition of rock caused by chemical reaction
define biotic/mechanical weathering
disintegration of rock involving living organisms like plants and animals or acids from rotting vegetables
where does freeze thaw/frost shattering/frost action occur
occurs in areas where temperature fluctuates above and below 0 degrees celsius for instance on some mountainous areas and some temperature regions
most likely to occur on steeper bare rock slopes
when does freeze thaw occur
when rocks are porous (contains holes) or permeable (allow water to pass through)
rock must be exposed at surface with little vegetation cover to protect rock from weather conditions
explain the process of frost action weathering
during the day, when temperature is above zero degrees and water, either from moisture from dew, melting snow or ice or from rainwater, can trickle into cracks/crevices or pores in the rock
at night when temperature is below zere degrees c the water in the cracks freezes and turns into ice which takes up 9-10 percent more volume/space than equivalent amount of water
exerts pressure on crack in the rock
repeated freezing and thawing slowly widens cracks until pieces of rocks may break off
broken pieces of rocks will slide downhill easily under force of gravity on slopes
angular rock fragments collect at base of slope in a fan shaped pile called scree or tallus
when does pressure release occur
when overlying material/rock removed by erosion exposes underlying rock
release of pressure causes exposed rock to expand upwards which causes fractures to form parallel to rock surface
weathering and erosion results in these layers peeling away called exfoliation
name a feature caused by pressure release
sugar loaf mountain in brazil, rio de janeiro
where does onion skin weathering occurs
places of extreme changes in temperature such as deserts can also lead to exfoiliation in rocks
or the large diurnal range of temperature ie large difference between max and min daily temp
explain onion skin weathering/ alternate expansion and contraction/ isolation weathering
due to a lack of cloud coverage and vegetation during the day the temperature exceeds 40 C causing outer layer of rocks to expand
at night temperature may drop to below freezing causing outer layer of rocks to contract
continuous expansion and contraction of outer layer of rocks weaken it until eventually peels off
after one layer has broken the next layer is then attacked by temperature changes
explain process of salt crystallization weathering
sea water gets into cracks in rocks
when water evaporates leaves behind salt crystals which occupies more volume
over period of time salt accumulates and exerts pressure in cracks in rock which eventually causes it to fracture and disintegrate or sometimes can create small holes which become larger in rocks
results in sandstone
where is salt crystallization most common
in coastal areas or semi arid areas
where is chemical weathering most common
in warm and wet climates
explain the rate of chemical weathering
rate of chemical weathering doubles for every 10 C increase in temperature
where does oxidation occur
occurs when rocks are exposed to oxygen in air and water
explain oxidation
iron in its ferrous state changed by addition of oxygen into iron in its ferric state
rock or soil which may have been blue or grey in colour changes into reddish brown
process is more commonly known as rusting and causes rock to crumble more easily
explain carbonation
rainwater contains carbon dioxide absorbed from atmosphere forming weak acid called carbonic acid
able to dissolve calcium based rock or calcareous rocks
carboniferous limestone and chalk most affected because composed of almost pure calcium carbonate
explain solution
other rocks such as limestone affected by solution weathering
many minerals soluble in water especially when its slightly acidic
the greater the acidity the more soluble minerals become
like rock salt is soluble in water and dissolves in situ
other rocks may contain minerals that are soluble and weakens structures eventually leading to disintegration
explain hydration
certain rocks especially those containing salt minerals capable of absorbing water into the structure
causes them to swell and exert pressure as well as changes their chemical structure
makes more vulnerable to future breakdown like anhydrite CaSO4
and gypsum CaSO42H20
explain hydrolysis
most common process in formation of clays
hydrogen in water reacts with minerals in rock
like felspar breakdown which is found in granite into residual clay deposit like kaolinite or china clay or kaolin
this is soft and expands in volume and this pushes mineral grains apart making rock breakup into smaller fragments