What is meant by weather?
Weather is the day to day conditions of the earth’s atmosphere, e.g it is raining today or that it is sunny.
What is meant by climate?
Climate is the average weather condition of a place or region taken over a period of time e.g. 50/100 years.
Name the instrument that measures precipitation.
It is a rain gauge.
Name the instrument that measures humidity.
It is a hygrometer.
Name the instrument that measures the diurnal temperature.
It is a Six’s thermometer.
What is meant by diurnal?
It means over a day (24 hour period)
In your mind draw and label a Six’s thermometer.
Did you include a glass u-bend that contained mercury at the bottom of the glass u-tube with alcohol above it, two metal indexes - one in the left arm and one in the right arm of the glass u-tube.
When using a Six’s thermometer is the bottom or the top of the metal index used to measure the max and min daily temperatures.
Max and min temperatures are measured by the bottom of the metal index.
What instruments is used to measure the wind direction.
Wind direction is measured with a wind vane.
What instrument is used to measure wind speed.
Wind speed is measured with an anemometer
What weather feature can be worked out with the recordings from a dry and wet bulb thermometer.
Relative humidity can be worked out.
Which weather feature is estimated using your own eyes.
The amount of cloud cover in the sky.
What instrument is used to measure air pressure.
An barometer is used.
Describe how a barometer measure the pressure.
A barometer works in the following way. When there is high air pressure this causes the vacuum box to compress. This in turn causes the pivot arm to rise. A pencil attached to the pivot arm draws a line on a graph paper attached to a rotating drum.
Describe how an anemometer measures the wind speed.
It has three or four cups on arms, which rotate when the wind blows. The movement operates a meter that records the speed of the wind. The speed is shown on the dial in kilometres per hour or knots. When an anemometer is not available, wind speed may be estimated using the Beaufort scale.
What is meant by the term prevailing wind direction.
It is the direction that the wind blows from for the majority of the year. For example in the the UK it is the south west.
If a wind is said to be a north westerly from which direction has it come from.
It has come from the north east.
Describe how a wind vane measures the wind direction.
A wind vane records wind direction. The sail catches the wind and this causes the rotating arm to point to the direction the wind is blowing from.
What unit of measurement are the following weather features measured in; pressure wind speed, relative humidity, and precipitation.
They are measured in millibars, km or mph, percentage and mm.
What type of graph is used to present the following types of weather data; rainfall, temperature, wind direction and frequency.
They are measured by a bar chart, line graph, and a wind rose.
Describe four features of a Stevenson screen.
The box is 1.25 meters above the ground, is made of wood, painted white and has slats that point downwards at an angle.
Explain why all Stevenson screens are 1.25 meters above the ground
The box is 1.25 meters above the ground so the thermometers record only the air temperature.
Explain why Stevenson screens are painted white.
It is painted white to reflect the sunlight.
Explain why Stevenson screens have slats that point downwards at an angle.
It has slats to allow the temperature to be recorded accurately in the shade.The slats are pointing downwards at an angle to allow air to pass freely around the box, and to stop any wind affecting the readings of the thermometers
Describe what instruments are put into a Stevenson screen.
A six’s thermometer and a wet and dry bulb thermometer.