Weather I Flashcards
Che tempo fa oggi?
How is the weather today/what is the weather like today?
Qual e la temperatura di oggi?
What is the temperature of today/what is today’s temperature?
La temperature di oggi e 32 gradi
Todays temperature is 32 degrees
Gradi sotto zero
Degrees below zero
La clima
The climate
La pioggia
The rain
It rains
Sta piovendo
It is raining
La neve
The snow
It snows
Sta nevicando
It is snowing
Tira vento
It’s windy
Le previsioni del temp
The weather forecast
Fa caldo
It’s hot
Fa Freddo
It’s cold
Fa fresco
It’s cool
Non Fa ne caldo ne freddo
It’s neither hot nor cold
Fa bel tempo
It’s good weather/ it’s nice out
Fa brutto/ cattivo tempo
It’s bad weather/it’s bad out
L estate/ d estate
The summer/ in the summer
Le nuvole
The clouds
E nuvoloso
It’s cloudy
C e sole
It’s sunny
C E nebbia
It’s foggy
La tempesta/ il temporale
The storm
il tuono
The thunder