Weather Forecasting Flashcards
What is a warning?
Hazardous weather is about to occur or is in progress
What does NWP stand for?
Numeric weather predictions
What is numerical weather prediction?
Daily forecasting of weather by the computer using mathematical equations
What tools are used for long range forecasting?
Probability, statistical models
Upper level charts
Slices of upper air
How does probability work with forecasting?
And ensemble of my model runs shows mean, variability
What is considered medium range and forecasting?
3 to 8 days
A chart that shows how one or more weather variables has changed at a station over a given period of time
What is a warning telling you to do?
Take action
Surface charts
Observed weather data of single stations
What is the Watch telling you to do?
What is the prognostic chart?
The final forecast chart representing the atmosphere at a specified future time
What tools are used in medium range forecasting?
GFS – MEX model
What is a Watch?
Conditions are favorable to produce a hazardous weather event
Forecast models predict the weather reasonably well __ to __ days into the future
4, 6
Station sounding
Vertical profile of temperature and wind
What is the persistence forecast?
A forecast of the future weather condition will be the same as the present condition
How does climatological forecasting work?
Use long term records
What is considered long range and forecasting?
More than 192 hours
What is considered short range in forecasting?
6 to 72 hours
What is an advisory?
Alerts to other hazardous weather events in the forecast area
Computer weather models
NWP, prognostic charts
What is chaos?
Countless small, unpredictable atmospheric fluctuations
How does analog or surrogate forecasting work?
Use select past weather years as a guide for the future
What tools are used for short range forecasting?
Global forecast system, aviation, MM5
What is ensemble forecasting?
A forecasting technique that entails running several forecast models each beginning with slightly different weather