weather & climate Flashcards
the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. (short term conditions)
the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over time (long term averages)
the transfer of kinetic energy from one medium or object to another, or from an energy source to a medium or object. Such energy transfer can occur in three ways: radiation, conduction, and convection.
a measure of how hot or cold something is
Radiant energy
energy that is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation
Air mass
a huge body of air that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height
(meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary (dividing line) between two different air masses
Jet Stream
narrow belt of strong winds that blows near the top of the troposphere
a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind
measures relative humidity
An instrument used to measure changes in air pressure
the amount of water vapor in the air
Relative humidity
the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold
Dew Point
the temperature at which condensation begins
Heat Index
a number that reflects a combination of high temperatures and high humidity
Wind Chill
A measure of cooling combining temperature and wind speed
a form of oxygen that has three oxygen atoms in each molecule instead of two; protects us from dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun
Weather System
the movement of warm and cold air across the globe
Low pressure weather system
usually brings warm and stormy weather
High pressure weather system
usually brings dry and clear weather.
Low pressure direction
low pressure systems result in rainy weather and spin counterclockwise in direction
High pressure direction
high pressure systems result in fair weather and spin clockwise in direction
line on a map connecting points equal temperature values
a line on a weather map that joins places that have the same air pressure