Weather and Climate Flashcards
What is climate?
it is the condition of the average weather as observed over a long period of time, eg 30 years , and over a large area.
- pressure
- temperature
- wind
- humidity
- precipitation.
What is weather?
- it is the atmospheric conditions as observed over a short period of time in a local area.
- Includes theres conditions:
- temperature
- humidity
- precipitation
- wind
- sunshine
Describe a stevenson screen.
- it is made of wood.
- placed with its door to the south.
- Stands 120 centimeters from the ground.
- double roof for insulation.
- painted white.
- has slats on the side to allow gentle flow of air.
- placed away from building or trees.
- contains:
- barograph
- barometer
- wet and dry bulb thermometer
- maximum and minimum thermometers.
Describe the minimum and maximum thermometer.
- shows the highest and lowest temp.
- tube shaped like a U.
- one side has a bulb containing alcohol.
- the other has a vacuum.
- mercury is at the bent of the U.
- the mercury is pushed around by the alcohol during expansion or contraction,
- the mercury indicates the current temperature as observed.
- there are a small metal index in each arm.
- they are pushed by the mercury.
- the metal indixes indicates the maximum and minimum temp for the day.
- they have to be resetted by a magnet.
NB- indexes should be read from their bottom.
Describe a Hygrometer ( W and D thermometer )
- Two identical thermometers.
- one of the bulbs covered in a wick that hangs into a container of distilled water.
- the water rises up the wick and evapourates.
- evapouration causes cooling of the bulb.
- the drier the air, the more evaporation will occur.
- the bigger the difference between wet and dry bulbs, the drier the is shall be.
- the difference and a graph is used to calculate the humidity.
What is a barometer?
- it is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.
- it contains a small drum with a vacuum inside.
- the air pressure exerts a force on this drum
- the changes in atmospheric pressures causes the box to contract or expand.
- they pointers moves as it happens.
What is a Barograph?
- it is a barometer that also has a vacuum drum, but it is attched to a pen which draws a line on a piece of paper that slowly rotates.
- thus you can have a continuous record of air pressure.
What is a anemometer?
- it measures the wind speed.
- it has cups that are connected to arms.
- as the wind blows it turns these cups and arms.
- a counted desplay the wind speed in knots.
- ## must be erected in a open area.
What is a wind vane?
- measures the wind direction.
- wind is always measure in the direction it comes from.
What is a rain gauge?
- it measures rainfall in mm
- made from non corrosive material.
- place away from structures.
Name and explain the types of isolines.
- isotherms: connects the places with the same temp.
- isobars: connects places with the same atmospheric pressure.
- isoyets: connect places with the same rainfall.
How do you record the average temp of the day?
Maximum+ minimum devide by 2
Know the Station model on page 10.
What i said above.
Name the Precipitation symbols ( in notes pg 11 )
Name and identify the frontal symbols ( in notas pg 11 )
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