Weather is?
the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
Climate is?
the meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region - it is usually measured over 30 years or more.
There is hardly any rain in the …
There is a lot of rain in the …
In the … there is quite a bit of rain
In the … there is even more heavy rain
Relief rainfall is when …
Cool, wet air rises and meets a hill so has to rise upwards. As the air rises, if cools, and the cooler air can’t hold as much water vapour, so the vapour condenses and makes clouds. The air continues to rise so the clouds get bigger and it rains over the hill. On the way back down the hill on the other side, the air warms and dries as it sinks and there is evaporation. There is likely to be relief rainfall on the west side of hills because there are winds from the Atlantic Ocean going that way.
On the hills over Wales you get…
2000mm of rain a year
Climograph show both the …
Temperature and Climate
You draw rainfall with a ….
bar graph
You draw temperature with a …
line graph
Draw bars in …
Draw lines in
Relief rain is most like to occur on the … of mountains
This is because …
Atlantic Winds come from this way