Weather Flashcards
the weather
das Wetter
What is the weather?
Wie ist das Wetter?
What is the temperature? It is __ degrees.
Wie ist die Temperatur? Es ist __ Grad.
What do you begin your sentence with if you are describing the weather with an adjective?
Es ist…
What do you begin your sentence with if you are describing the weather with a verb?
What do you begin your sentence with if you are describing the weather with a noun?
Es gibt…
cold, pos
kalt, adj.
hot, pos
heiß, adj.
cool, pos
kühl, adj.
warm, pos
warm, adj.
beautiful, pos
schön, adj.
bad, pos
schlecht, miserabel, adj.
cloud, pos
wolkig, adj.
die Wolke, -n, noun
weather word- nice day, pos
heiter, adj.
weather word- overcast, pos
bedeckt, adj.
partly cloudy, pos
halb bedeckt, adj.
sonnig, pos
sonny, adj.
to rain,raining
wet, pos
regen, regnet, verb
der Regen, noun
nass, adj.
to snow, snowing
snow, pos
schneien, schneit, verb
die Schnee, noun
to shine/shining
the sun shines
die Sonne scheint
shower, pos
der Shauer, noun
What is the weather today?
Wie ist das Wetter heute?
Use today in a sentence with an adjective.
Es ist huete __
Use today in a sentence with a verb.
Es heute __.
Use today in a sentence with a noun.
Es __ heute.
Use a weather word (adj.) in a sentence that is in the future tense.
Es wird morgen __ sein.
Use a weather word (verb) in a sentence that is in the future tense.
Es wird morgen __. (in it’s “to __” form, Ex. to rain)
Use a weather word (noun) in a sentence that is in the future tense.
Es wird morgen __ geben.
wind- noun, verb (to blow), adj.
der Wind, blasen, windig
to have lightning/to thunder
stormy, pos
das Gewitter, noun
blitzen/donnern, verb
sturmisch, adj.
dry, pos
troken, adj.
to drizzle, drizzling
drizzle, pos
niesln, niselt, verb
der Nieselregen, noun
fog, pos
nebelig, adj.
der Nebel, noun