Weather Flashcards
What are the 3 types of of weather products?
Observation, forecast, and analysis
How frequently is a radar image/observation generated, and what is its valid time?
Generated every 4 to 11 minutes upon completion of the radar scan. The valid time is the end of the last radar scan, which is listed on the observation.
How often is the Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecast issued, and when is it valid?
4 times daily. Valid time is specified in the header, however, the information can be used during the “for use” time.
Are the winds in Winds Aloft charts true of magnetic?
Winds aloft chart: What does 9900 mean?
Light and Variable
When are winds and temps omitted from Winds aloft charts?
Wind is not listed within 1500ft AGL. Temps are only provided for 6,000 up MSL.
What are the issuance and valid times for the Surface Analysis Chart?
Chart is issued every 3 hours, once analysis of the observed weather is complete. Valid times are either 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, or 21 UTC
What type of chart is a Low Level Significant Weather Prognostic Chart?
What are the issuance and valid times for a Low Level Significant Weather Chart?
Issued 4 times daily, valid at the specific times listed on the charts.
What type of chart is a Convective Outlook?
What are the issuance and valid times for a Convective Outlook?
Day 1 outlook is issued 5 times daily, with the valid time specified on the chart.
What weather information does the Convective Outlook chart provide?
1) The probability of severe convection (tornados, wind gusts 50kts or greater, or hail 1 inch in diameter)
2) Non-severe convection
When is a METAR issued?
Issued hourly, usually toward the end of the hour.
What does METAR stand for?
Aviation Routine Weather Report
Are winds in a METAR true or magnetic?
What types of METAR stations are there, and what does each type measure?
Ao1: Station does not have a precipitation discriminator
Ao2: Station has a precipitation discriminator
What is a TAF?
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
When is a TAF issued and what is its’ valid time?
Issued 4 times/day (000Z, 0600, 1200, 1800z), valid for either 24 hours or 30 hours, as depicted on TAF.
What is the range of a TAF?
5SM from the center of the runway complex.
What are the 4 types of inflight aviation weather advisories?
SIGMET, Convective SIGMET, AIRMET, and Center Weather Advisory
What is a Severe Weather Watch Bulletin (WW)?
WWs supplement those 4 inflight aviation weather advisories.
What is an AIRMET?
Forecast that describes significant weather occurring at intensities lower than weather requiring a SIGMET.
What does AIRMET stand for?
Airmen’s Meteorological Information
What are the issuances and valid times for AIRMETS?
Issued every 6 hours, valid for 6 hours.
What are the 3 types of AIRMETs?
Tango: moderate turbulence, sustained surface wind greater than 30kt, and/or non-convective low-level windshear below 2000ft
Sierra: extensive IFR conditions and/or mountain obscuration
Zulu: moderate icing with freezing level heights
What does SIGMET stand for?
Significant Meteorological Information
What are the issuance and valid times for a SIGMET?
Issued as necessary, valid for up to 4 hours, updated as necessary
What type of weather is included in a SIGMET?
1) Severe or extreme turbulence or clear air turbulence not associated with thunderstorms
2) Severe Icing
3) Widespread dust storm or sandstorm reducing visibility below 3sm.
4) Volcanic Ash
What is a Convective SIGMET?
Alerts pilots to more extreme weather associated with thunderstorms.