Weapon System Theory Flashcards
What is the Detect to Engage sequence?
Track - (TEWA)
What are two factors to target Classification?
Type - based on emissions and intelligence
Intent - based on context
Define Tracking
Continuous updating of the targets position
“All the analytical and operational activities designed to identify, evaluate, and manage any contacts that might pose a threat to the ship or allied units”
Threat Evaluation
How are targets ranked in TEWA?
Capability to do damage
Time at which they will be able to do damage
“The percentage chance a weapon has of neutralizing a target”
How are weapons and sensors assigned in TEWA?
Highest PKill
Availability based on other engagement plans
“A weapon that imparts energy to a target in order to cause physical damage. Physical contact, explosive force, directed energy.”
Hard Kill
“Countermeasures that alter the tracking and sensing behaviour of an incoming threat to prevent it form tracking its intended target. Eg. Jamming, decoys.”
Soft Kill
What are Kill Assessment indicators.
Termination of EM emissions
“Interlocking and overlapping weapons and sensor ranges and operating arcs to ensure maximum protection against any threat”
Meshed Defence
“The minimum and maximum range limits at which a weapon system can engage a target”
Total Range
Define “Effective Range”
The portion of the total range in which a weapon system has a PKill above a predetermined threshold for a specific target type.
“the radius of coverage of a given weapon system. It is defined in terms of bearing and elevation.”
Arc of Fire
“an area where a weapon can not fire. A weapon system may not cover the full range of bearing or elevation for reasons such as mechanical limitations and interference ofrom the ships superstructure”
Blind Arc
“Predefined areas in which a weapon is restricted from firing or pointing to prevent it from damaging its own ship. May be implemeted electronically or mechanically”
Firing Cutout.
(Part of Blind Arc)
“Used to prevent the enemy from striking at our personnel, equipment, or infrastructure inorder to protect our combat capability and/or political resolve.”
Defensive Weapon
“Designed to protect the employing unit from a threat. They cannot defend other units.”
Point Defence
Designed to protect a zone around the employing unit. Every unit within this umbrella around the emloying unit can be defended by the weapon.
Area Defence
“refers to the tendency of a rotor spun on its axis to remain in a fixed attitude if no external force is applied”
Gyroscopic Rigidity
“Refers to the tendency of a spinning rotor axis to turn at right angles to the direction of an external force”
Gyroscopic Precession