Weapon Proficiencies (Modern) Flashcards
Automatic Pistol
All modern military automatic pistols.
Cylinder styled handguns. Not automatic.
Bolt-Action Rifle
Includes most hunting and sniping rifles. Not an automatic-firing weapon.
Automatic and Semiautomatic Rifles
All assault rifles like the M-16 and AK-47
Submachine Gun
All small arms automatic weapons, like the Uzi.
+1 to strike at levels 2, 6, and 14
Grenade Launcher
+1 to strike at levels 3, 7, and 11
Harpoon & Spear Gun
Plain pointed heads do 2D6 damage.
Explosive heads do 4D6 M.D.
+1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 15
Heavy Weapons
Machine guns, bazookas, rocket launchers, and mortars. Anything heavier is likely to fall under the Weapons Systems skill.
Maintenance and a keen understanding of a torpedo’s speed, range, trajectory, and most effective use.
+1 to strike at levels 2, 6, and 12
+1 to strike with a depth charge at level four
Energy Pistol
Lasers and all types of energy firing small arms.
Energy Rifle
Includes all long-range energy firing rifles.
Heavy Energy Weapons
Plasma ejectors, rail guns, and similar high-tech energy weapons
Sharp Shooting
Can be developed by any men of arms O.C.C., but fairly uncommon outside the New West.
This skill must be selected for each weapon type or category of weapon (similar to languages). Sharp Shooting also costs two skills and cannot be a secondary skill. The weapon proficiency for which it’s picked myst also not be secondary.
It can be applied to a few ancient proficiencies.
Sharp Shooting is NEVER available to robots, master psionics, practitioners of magic, dragons, demons, or any creatures of magic or supernatural beings. Juicers, Crazies, and ‘Borgs are limited to one sharp shooting skill.
“Aimed” shots are +1 with a P.P. of 20, with an additional +1 for every five points beyond.
“Called” shots are +1 with a P.P. of 18, with an additional +1 for every three points beyond.
“Quick Draw” allows the shooter to gain +1 to initiative with a P.P. of 18, and an additional +1 for every point four points beyond.
“Bonus attack” allows the shooter to gain +1 attack per melee when they use their sharp shooting weapon the entire round.
Trick shooting: Pick one of the following items. Gunslingers, sheriffs, and Gunfighters get all six!
1. Can fire a traditionally two-handed weapon, one-handed without penalty (normally, a shooter loses all strike bonuses).
2. Can shoot over his shoulder by holding up a mirror and using the reflection to aim. Bonuses to strike are half, except to gunslingers and gunfighters.
3. Accurately shoot while riding a horse or moving vehicle (normally a wild shot), but strike bonuses are half and “called” shots are impossible (-8 to strike, and no bonuses).
4. Shoot accurately while standing on head or hanging upside down.
5. Dodge, roll, or somersault and come up shooting (normally a wild shot). No bonuses or penalties apply.
6. Ricochet shot! Inflicts one point of damage to the first surface and full damage to the second. Bonuses to strike are half.