We the people note- Purposes of gov Flashcards
What is authority
The right to command, or the holder of official power
What is anarchy
An absence or lack of any formal system of government or control
What is public policy
A course of action accepted or used by a government to respond to a problem
What is an institution
An established organization that is influential in the community
What is infrastructure
Basic physical systems of a community’s people (roads, electricity, water, etc)
What is the US Constitution
The plan detailing the structure, functions, and powers of the government of the United States, also known as the Constitution.
It is the basis for creating and following laws and policy
It outlines the structure and functions of the U.S. Government
What is the common good
The greatest possible conditions of society for the greatest number of people living in it
What is consent
To agree or give permission
What is the rule of law
The principle that both those who govern and those who are governed must obey the law and are subject to the same laws
Nobody is above the law
What is legitimacy
Lawful and complying with recognized rules, standards, or traditions; public trust and acceptance of court rulings
What is the divine right of kings
European historical principle that the king/monarch has God-given powers to rule
What is tyranny
Cruel and unjust government
What is democracy
Governed by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system
What is a republic
Form of government in which people elect representatives to exercise power for them
What is republicanism
The principle that government officials are elected by the people and represent their interests