Wdl in Gen Flashcards
Doctrine of withdrawal
Retrograde ops are organized movements to the rear of or away from the en. They can be forced by en action or executed voluntarily.
Diff day/ni wdl
- Fwd locs withdraw through depth locations
- Whole bn has to stay at position till the TIME of DENIAL
- Lay back posn may be occcupied
- There will be no rear parties
- Time of abandonment and/or time by which the tps must be clear of the coordination line not laid down
- Depth location withdraw before fwd locations
- Depth coy may thin out before TIME of DENIAL.
- There will be no lay back position
- Rear parties will be left behind
- Both or one of the two timings may be laid down
Reasons for undertaking withdrawal.
a. To harass, exhaust and ultimately destroy the en.
b. To draw the en into an unfavorable posn.
c. To gain time without fighting a decisive battle.
d. To allow the use of a part of force elsewhere.
e. To confirm the move of own tps on the flank.
f. As a result of tactical defeat.
Basic consideration of withdrawal
- Cause max damage to the en.
- Exploit adv of trn.
- Maintain freedom of action.
- Retain centralized control and decentralized execution.
- Sy & speed
- Mobility of forces
Main factors affecting withdrawal
- Str and degree of success achieved by the en.
- Str and condition of tps and equipment of own force
- Availability of tpt
- Availability and condition of comns and extend to which it can be denied to the en.
- Existence of natural obstacle which can be used to create an organised obstacle plan to delay the en.
- Distance between present and new main posn, along with the time needed to prepare the latter;
- Tactics of en
- Overall combat sit
- Air sit
No of intermediate posns required depends on
a. Distance from present posn to the NM posn
b. Time required to prepare the new main posn
c. Speed with which the en can follow up
d. Mobility of wdling force
e. Availability of tps (More the availability of tps, more the No of Inter Posn thereby causing more delay).
f. Amount of delay which can be imposed at each intermediate posn
The two latter requirements are largely influenced by trn and its restriction on movement by obstacles (Natural and artificial)
Nomination of Intermediate posn
(a) By the cdr conducting the wdl. If this is not possible, delaying posn selected by subordinate cdrs may be earmarked as intermediate posn. A fmn imposes max delay at an intermediate posn by
(i) Exploiting its fire power and the natural adv of trn,
(ii) Skillful use of obstacle and mines
(iii) By seizing every opportunity to act offensively to off balance the en.
(b) Intermediate posn should be allotted to specific fmns or units cdrs being appointed by name and with detailed instructions.
(c) Coordination with flanking fmns and units is essential at all levels; interchange of Laison Officers can best achieve this.
Recce Parties
Arrangements will have to be made to send back recce parties to the new main posn andintermediate posns.
This will entail the temporary absence of some key personnel.
The composn of recce parties will be laid down in standing orders.
Requirement of intermediate Posn
(a) Str enough to compel the en to dply a maj portion of his force, carry out recce and make a comprehensive plan before he can launch an attk.
(b) Sufficiently far apart to ensure that the en has to regroup and redply his arty for each posn.
(c) Sited on grnd suitable for def by the min no of tps, depending more on fire power for holding it than on manpower;
(d) Far enough apart to permit a clean break and avoid running fight but not so far apart as to make the wdl to the next posn impossible during the hrs of darkness
(e) Such that it cannot easily be bypassed.
(f) Such that it provides covered route for wdl.
Minimum force
The task of the min force is to deny Bn def area, up to the TIME OF DENIAL.
Normally, str. of Min force is decided by Bde cdr.
1. Inf Sp wpns
2. Rifle coys in FDL,
3. Sufficient HQ personnel to ensure Tac C&C.
It would however, exclude sub-units specifically ordered by Bde to go back to start prep of Intermediate posn or New main posn.
Lay-back posn
To cater for an uninterrupted wdl by day, the Bn cdr should select a suitable lay-back posn or posns, and decide on the tps who will occupy them and the time and duration of their occupation.
A depth subunit may be able to carry out this task from its initial location after some readj.
Rear parties
For Ni Wdl, Rear parties should be small mobile Det with max possible fire power.
These should be strong enough to give the impression of holding an intact front and should be able to prevent the en from interfering with the Coys last to withdraw.
These should however, be small enough to slip away unobtrusively.
(a) A Coy of Inf, if possible a Pl from each fwd Coy.
(b) A Sec or more of Inf mortars (Gen in Sp)
(c) A FOO.
Wdl of non-essentials.
- A echelon tpt (if not withdrawn already),
- Surplus vehicles of F echelon
- 106 mm RCL guns shortly after last light in a Ni wdl
- Any stores or ammo dumped
Thinning out
Thinning out is the process by which the tps in contact withdraw from the def localities in small gps or sub-units.
This process ensures that everyone does not ‘up-stick’ for a dash to the rear at the same time, but withdraws in organized and controlled gps.
Thinning out will normally commence before the TIME OF DENIAL for Ni Wdl and at the TIME OF DENIAL for day wdl. The actual time when this may start will, however, be laid down by the Bde cdr.
The thinning out of the min force does not commence until after the ‘time of denial’
Your bn is plg to withdraw and you have been selected to comd rear parties for an impeding wdl. What pts would you bear in mind for exec and what will you bid for?
Pts to be Borne in Mind
(a) Has to remain in posn till the TIME OF ABANDONMENT.
(b) Intact front must be depicted.
(c) Min mov/readj to be carried out.
(d) Line comns must exist.
I Bid For.
(a) MMG dets if possible is to be held for longer duration.
(b) OPs in fwd coy locs.
(c) Armr, if avail.
(d) Tpt loc close enough.
(e) Addl RS for maint of comn.
Timings of withdrawal
Basic timings.
Laid down by the highest cdr who is responsible for the conduct of the wdl. The basic timings are-
(i) Time of denial. It is the time up to which the force sufficient enough to deny the posn must remain in the posn. This time does not mean that the tps from the posn cannot be withdrawn before time.
(ii) NMB. (Time at which no rearward movement except rear parties).
(b) Additional Timings
(i) Time of thinning out.
(ii) Time of abandonment.
(iii) Time to cross the coordinate by min force.
Time of Abandonment
Time at which rear parties finally abandon the posn at Ni. It is applicable generally in Ni wdl and is laid down to:-
(a) Ensure that the tps required on the posn to deny it up to the time laid down can be withdrawn without en interference.
(b) Enable arty and air sp to engage any en on the posn immediately after own tps are clear.
Factors affecting the decision of time of denial-
The cdr conducting the wdl of the force decide the time of denial on the basis of fol factors.
(a) The ability of the force to hold out at the posn up to a given time.
(b) The time required to prepare new main posn and the amount of delay that can be imposed upon the en.
(c) The necessity of the force to slip out from the posn before the en launches his main asslt. This implies that the actual time of denial should provide for:-
(i) Tps other than min force. to clear the posn before the time of denial.
(ii) Min force including rear parties to clear the posn before the en launches his main aslt.
Points to consider for deciding NMB.
(a) Min no of tps reqd to deny the posn up to the time laid down.
(b) Time reqd to withdraw the min force.
(c) Time reqd for the prep of main def.
(d) Rd space avail.
(e) Need for secrecy and concealment of any rearward movement.
Bn cdr’s Planning consideration of wdl.
a. Denial of the posn up to the time stated with the min force as ordered by the bde cdr.
b. Layback posn if required to extricate his last tps by day, Composn and Str of covering tps by Ni.
c. Wdl of non-essential.
d. Process of thinning out.
e. Order and timing of Wdl of sub-units.
f. Selection of wdl routes.
g. Selection of CP, RV and embussing area.
h. Reserves.
i. Fire plan.
j. Admin
Secrecy, concealment and deception DURING WDL
(a) Early issue of cover plan.
(b) Wireless silence.
(c) All movements other than normal to be conducted during darkness.
(d) No abnormal action by tps in contact up to the TIME OF DENIAL.
(e) Normal harassing fire and patrolling.
(f) Disclosure of plan in NEED TO KNOW basis.
(g) Careful control and timings of demolition.
(h) Concealment of activities in intermediate posn and new main posn.
Surprise during Wdl
Once the wdl has started and secrecy has been lost, the en must be prevented from appreciating the details of the plan. This may be done by
(a) Making TIME OF DENIAL different on each occasion
(b) Hitting the en when he least expects it by use of dmls, inundations, mines and booby-traps.
Maintenance of morale during wdl. (DRC EGG)
(a) Discipline
(b) Reliable info of actual sit.
(c) Confidence in cdrs
(d) Efficient control of movement.
(e) Good admin and man management.
(f) Good arrangement of physical well being.