WBC's Flashcards
Myelocytic Maturation Series
Myeloblast Promyelocyte Myelocyte Metamyelocyte Band Neutrophil Segmented Neutrophil
stimulates neutrophils
stimulates to produce granulocytes & monocytes
Granulocytes become Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils
Monocytes become macrophages
White blood cell count (WBC)
Quantitative assessment only
Normal (4,000 – 12,000/µL)
Differential leukocyte count (Diff)
Segmented neutrophils (PMNs) 50-70% Banded neutrophils (bands) 0-5% Lymphocytes 20-40% Monocytes 0-7% Eosinophils 0-5% Basophils 0-1%
Neutrophils with fewer than three nuclear lobes.
The nucleus may be round, peanut-shaped, band-shaped or bi-lobed.
Abnormal nuclear lobe development
Chromatin structure often appears more mature than normal.
Toxic granulation
Found in severe inflammatory states (sepsis).
The toxic granulation is thought to be due to impaired cytoplasmic maturation,in the effort to rapidly generate large numbers of granulocytes.
Abnormally increased nuclear lobulation
seen in megaloblastic process, B12 and Folate deficiency or iron deficiency anemia.
Normal mature circulating neutrophils have an average of 3 lobes and always fewer than 5 lobes.
Eosinophils have fewer than 4 lobes and basophils have fewer than 3 lobes.
State of filled with vacuoles
An aid in the diagnosis of septicemia
Septicemia (a systemic disease caused by multiplication of microorganisms in circulating blood; formerly called “blood poisoning”)
Quantitative or macro changes
alterations in numbers of cells
Relative (%)
Qualitative or micro changes
alterations in cell morphology
Left shift
Increased number of immature neutrophils (band forms)
Suggests acute inflammation
Dohle bodies
Appear as single or multiple light blue or gray staining areas in the cytoplasm of a neutrophil.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum containing ribonucleic acid (RNA)
May represent localized failure of the cytoplasm to mature.
Found in infections, poisoning, burns, pregnancy and chemotherapy.
Sky Blue Inclusions.
Exit blood (diapedesis) to become macrophages
Phagocytic = defend against viruses and bacteria (vacum cleaner)
Hematologic disorders :Leukemia, Lymphoma Infections: TB, SBE FUO Gastrointestinal disorders Collagen vascular disorders
increase in the numbers of circulating white cells >12,000/uL
decrease in the numbers of circulating white cells < 4,000/uL
Leukemoid Reaction
Forms of neutrophils more immature than the band cells present in peripheral blood
Must differentiate between severe reactive leukocytosis and neoplastic process (leukemia)
Viral infection
Neutropenia (decrease in neutrophils)
Lymphocytosis (increase in lymphocytes)
Bacterial infection
Neutrophilia (Increase in neutrophils)
Allergic/parasitic/TB responses
Eosinophilia (Increase in Eosinophils)