Waves - Kerboodle Flashcards
4.1 Waves and vibrations
Types of waves
- Waves that pass through a substance are vibrations which pass through a substance
- Sound waves, seismic waves and waves on a string are examples of waves that pass through a substance
- These types of waves are referred to as mechanical waves
- When waves pass through a substance, particles of the substance vibrate in a certain way which makes nearby particles vibrate in the same way
- Electromagnetic waves are an oscillating and magnetic fields that progress through space without the need for a substance
- The vibrating electric field generates a vibrating magnetic field, which generates a vibrating electric field further away, and so on
- examples of electromagnetic waves are radio waves, microwaves, infrared, radiation, light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma radiation.
Longitudinal and transverse Waves
- Longitudinal waves are waves in which the direction of vibration of the particles is parallel to the direction in which the wave travels
- Sound waves, Primary seismic waves and compression waves on a slinky toy are all longitudinal waves
- Transverse waves are waves in which the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels
- Electromagnetic waves, secondary seismic waves and waves on a string or a wire are all transverse waves.
- Transverse waves are plane-polarized if the vibrations stay in one plane only. If the vibrations change from one plane to another, the waves are unpolarised
- Longitudinal waves cannot be polarised
- If unpolarised light is passed through a polaroid filter, the transmitted light is polarised as the filter only allows through the light which vibrated in a certain direction
- If unpolarised light is passed through two polaroid filters, the transmitted light intensity changes if one polaroid is turned relative to the other one
- The filters are said to be crossed when the intensity is at a minimum, at this position the polarised light from the first filter cannot pass through the second filter
- Light is a part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. The plane of polarisation of an electromagnetic wave is defined as the pane in which the electric field oscillates.
4.2 Measuring waves
Key terms
- The displacement of a vibrating particle is its distance and direction from its equilibrium position
- The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a vibrating particle. For a transverse wave, this is the height of a wave crest or the depth of a wave trough from its equilibrium position
- The wavelength of a wave is the least distance between two adjacent vibrating particles with the same displacement and velocity at the same time
- One complete cycle of a wave is from maximum displacement to the next maximum displacement
- The period of a wave is the time for one complete wave to pass a fixed point
- The frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of vibration of a particle per second, or the number of complete waves passing a point per second
Wave speed
- The higher the frequency of a wave, the shorter its wavelength
- The speed of a wave can be calculated using c = Frequency * wavelength
Phase difference
- The phase of a vibrating particle at a certain time is the duration of a cycle it has completed since the start of the cycle
- The phase difference between two particles vibrating at the same frequency is the fraction of a cycle between the vibrations of the two particles
- Phase difference is measured in degrees or radians, were 1 cycle = 360° = 2π radians.
4.3 Wave properties 1
- Straight waves are directed at a certain angle so a hard flat surface reflects off at the same angle
- The angle between the reflected wave front and the surface is the same as the angle between the incident wave front and the surface
- Therefore the direction of the reflected wave is at the same angle to the reflector as the direction of the incident wave.
- When waves pass across a boundary at which the wave speed changes, the wavelength also changes
- If the wavefronts approach at an angle to the boundary, they change direction as well as speed
- This effect is known as Refraction
- Refraction of light is observed when a light ray is directed into a glass block at an angle. The light ray changes direction when it crosses the glass boundary. This happens because light waves travel more slowly in glass than in air.
- Diffraction occurs when waves spread out through a gap or around an obstacle
- The narrower the gap, the more the waves spread out
- The longer the wavelength, the more the waves spread out
- Diffraction is waves spreading out past a gap to fill a room, you can think of it as how you can hear the sound even if the emitter isn’t pointed at you.
4.4 Wave properties 2
The principle of Superposition
- When waves meet, they pass through each other. At this point where they meet, they combine for an instant before they move apart. This combining effect is known as superposition
- There are two types of superposition, Constructive interference, where a crest meets a crest
- Constructive interference forms a super crest, the combination of two crests, or a super tough, the combination of two troughs
- The second type of superposition is destructive interference
- Destructive interference is where two waves of equal amplitude, frequency and wavelength meet, but have a phase difference of 90°
- Destructive interference causes the two colliding waves to cancel each out.
Further examples of superposition
1 Stationary waves on a rope
- Stationary waves are formed on a rope if two people send waves continuously along the rope from either end.
- The two sets of waves which cancel each other out are known as progressive waves
- Progressive waves combine at fixed points along the rope to form nodes (points of no displacement) and antinodes (points of maximum displacement)
- At each node, the two waves are always 180° out of phase so they cancel each other out
Further examples of superposition
2 Water waves in a ripple tank
- A vibrating dipper on a water surface sends out circular waves, with the points where it makes contact with the water being the epicentre
- Points of cancellation are created where a crest from one dipper meets a trough from the other dipper. These points of cancellation are seen as gaps in the wavefronts
- Points of reinforcement are created where a crest from one dipper meets a crest from the other dipper, or where a trough from one dipper meets a trough from the other dipper
- As the waves formed by the two dippers are continuously passing through each other at a constant frequency and phase difference, cancellation and reinforcement occur at fixed points
- The effect that causes this is known as interference
- Interference is where coherent sources of waves produce an interference pattern where they overlap because they vibrate at the same frequency with a constant phase difference
- If the phase difference changed at random, the points of cancellation and reinforcement would move at random, and no interference pattern would be seen
4.5 Stationary and progressive waves
Formation of stationary waves
- A stationary wave is formed when two progressive waves pass through each other
- This can be achieved on a string in tension by fixing both ends and making the middle part vibrate, so progressive waves travel towards each end, reflect at the end and pass through each other
- Stationary waves can have different harmonics, which show how many nodes/antinodes there are, waves of the first harmonic have 2 nodes, while waves of the second have 3, etc.
- To change a wave from the first harmonic to the second, you need to gradually increase the frequency
- Stationary waves that vibrate freely do not transfer energy to there surroundings
Explanation of stationary waves
- some differences between stationary waves and progressive waves can be seen in their frequency, amplitude and the phase difference
- For stationary waves, the frequency stays constant at all particles except those at a node, whereas for progressive waves, all the particles vibrate at the same frequency
- For stationary waves, the amplitude varies from zero at the nodes to a maximum at the antinodes, whereas for progressive waves the amplitude is the same for all particles
- For stationary waves the phase difference between two particles is equal to mπ, where m is the number of nodes between the two particles, whereas, for progressive waves, the phase difference between two particles is equal to 2πd/λ, where d = distance apart and λ is the wavelength.
More examples of stationary waves
Sound in a pipe
The sound resonates at certain frequencies in an air-filled tube or pipe. In a pipe closed at one end, these resonant frequencies occur when there is an antinode at the open end and a node at the other end.
More examples of stationary waves
Using microwaves
A microwave transmitter releases a microwave into the microwave, when it reaches the metal plate on the other side it will reflect backwards to form a second progressive wave of equal amplitude, frequency and wavelength. This causes the two waves to superimpose, forming nodes and antinodes as well as a stationary wave since they are 90° out of phase.
4.6 More about stationary waves on strings
Stationary waves on a vibrating string
- The first harmonic of vibration is visible at the lowest possible frequency that gives a pattern, There is an antinode in the middle as well as two nodes on both ends of the string
- The second harmonic of vibration will have a frequency above the first harmonic, there are two nodes, one a quarter into the string while the other three quarters into it, and three nodes, two on either side and one in the middle
- The third harmonic of vibration will have a frequency above the second harmonic, it is similar to the second harmonic, but instead has another loop
- This pattern can go on for as high as you can increase the frequency with the wire not breaking
4.7 Using an oscilloscope
An oscilloscope consists of a specially made electron tube and associated control circuits. An electron gun fired at one end of the glass tube emits electrons in a beam towards a fluorescent screen at the other end of the tube. Light is emitted from the spot on the screen where the beam hits the screen
Measuring the speed of ultrasound
• The time base circuit of an oscilloscope can be used to trigger an ultrasonic transmitter so it sends out a short pulse which can be detected by an ultrasonic receiver. The received signal is applied to the Y-input of the oscilloscope, which gives the waveform, you can then measure the horizontal distance on the screen to calculate its speed.