Waves definitions Flashcards
maximum displacement of a vibrating particle from its equilibrium position; for a transverse wave, it is the distance from the middle to the peak of the wave
point of maximum amplitude on a stationary wave
two sources of waves are coherent if they emit waves with a constant phase difference
critical angle
The angle of incidence at the which the angle of refraction is equal to 90 degrees. The angle of incidence of a light ray must exceed the critical angle for total internal reflection to occur.
Interval for a vibrating particle (or a wave) from a certain displacement and velocity to the next time the particle (or the next particle) that has the same displacement and velocity.
spreading of waves on passing through a gap or near an edge
diffraction grating
a plate with many closely-ruled parallel slits on it
splitting of a beam of white light by a glass prism into colours.
electromagnetic wave
transverse electric and magnetic waves in phase and at right angles to each other. Speed in a vacuum = 3.00 x 10^8 ms^-1.
optical fibre device used to see inside cavities.
first harmonic
Pattern of stationary waves on a string when it vibrates at its lowest possible frequency.
the number of cycles of a wave that pass a point per second.
Formation of points of cancellation and reinforcement where two coherent waves pass through each other.
Device that produces a parallel coherent beam of monochromatic light.
longitudinal waves
Waves in which the particles oscillate parallel to the direction of energy propagation of the waves.