Which experiment shows that particles can behave like waves?
Double-slit experiment with electrons (interference pattern will be exhibited)
What is the result of Bohr’s condition for angular momentum?
Electron wavelength must fit in circle
What is the uncertainty principle?
A fundamental uncertainty in a moving particle. Position and velocity cannot be known simultaneously as a detectors interaction with a particle would change its state of motion and momentum.
(Physical knowledge is not in principle absolute and it is bound by the uncertainty principle)
Who dervied a relation for the uncertainty principle?
Werner Heisenberg
What is the Schrodinger equation and what does it do?
A differential equation that describes quantum systems 3 dimensional wave function.
Schrodinger equation can calculate wave function of a system. The square of the wave function is a probability of an electron existing in a particular location.
We have time dependant and time-independent Schrodinger equation.