Waters Flashcards
Internal/Inland waters
All U.S waters shoreward of the baseline, including all waters on the U.S side of the international boundary of the Great Lakes.
Territorial Sea
The waters within the belt that is 12 miles wide and adjacent to the U.S coast measured seaward from the baseline. For the purpose of enforcing some domestic U.S laws, the territorial sea extends only 3 miles seaward of the baseline.
Contiguous Zone
The waters within the belt adjacent to and seaward of the territorial sea and extending to 24 miles from the baseline.
Customs Waters
Generally defined in as the waters shoreward of a line drawn 12 miles from the baseline (including territorial sea and inland waters with ready access to the sea)
Exclusive Economic Zone
The zone of waters beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea not extending beyond 200 miles from the baseline
International Waters
Waters seaward of the outer limit of the territorial sea of any nation, but including the high seas, EEZ,and contiguous zones (when claimed seaward of the territorial sea).
High Seas
All parts of the ocean seaward of the EEZ. If a nation has not proclaimed an EEZ, the high seas begin at the seaward edge of the territorial sea.
Foreign Territorial Sea
The U.S recognizes territorial sea claims of other nations up to a maximum distance of 12 miles from the baseline.