Water- Sensors Flashcards
What is alternative to satellite oceanography?
- Ocean full of sensors and buoys, sensors on all ships
- Long time to make same number of measurements from a ship as satellite
What is the Best way to get ocean measurements?
Satellite imagery and direct ocean sampling together
How to get from reflectance to chlorophyll concentration
- Ratio of B and G bands
- Similar to simple ratio for vegetation
- Chl = f (Blue reflectance/Green reflectance)
- More G and Less B = high chl
- Low ratio result = high chl
- Tune eqn for different waters b/c of turbidity etc.
Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor
- 1997
- 1 x 1 km, 2800km
- Daily data acquisition
- OrbView-2
- Main driver for chl-a detection
- 1st platform of this kind
What is penalty for high spatial resolution?
- Low temporal resolution and frequency for recording data
- Temporal is better for oceanography time series and wide open ocean
What is best for measuring substrate? Platforms?
- High spatial resolution
- SPOT, WorldView
What is best for measuring ocean productivity? Platforms?
- Low spatial resolution, high not necessary
- High temporal resolution
- MODIS-Aqua, Sentinal Series (measures daily)
What are the Band utilities for wavelength ranges for SeaWiFS?
- 402-422nm ID yellow substances (blue absorption)
- 433-453nm Chl conc’n
- 480-500nm Increased chl sensitivity
- 500-520 chl conc’n
- 545-565nm Gelbstoffe (yellow substance)
- 660-680nm chl conc’n
- > 700nm Surface veg, land-water interface, atm correction
WorldView 3 (WV3)
- 2m spatial res
- Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
- Onboard NASA’s EOS satellites
- Spatial res of 250m (2 bands), 500m (5 bands), 1000m (29 bands)
- Many bands in B,G, and R
- Launched May 2002
What is necessary for an oceanographic satellite platform?
- High temporal res for time series
- Bands in proper locations, i.e. B and G (for ratio to approximate chl a)
MERIS, Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
- 300m res
- 1150km swath
- every 3 days
- Newer is Sentinal 3
- Turned Salish Sea milky green
- Not seen in area before
- Mostly found in open ocean
- Time-series (high temporal res) useful b/c data collected everyday
- Bloom could be tracked
Sentinel 3
- Newest ocean platform
- 300m res
- 1.5day temporal res
- European Space Agency
- Launched June 2016
- Best but still in validation stage
- OLCI bands similar to MODIS but has better spectral resolution over more wavelengths
Best land based platforms?
- Landsat, ASTER
Human eye has difficulty separating which wavelengths and why?
- Difficulty separating G and R
- B/c they overlap
Why is chl-a closer to land and coasts?
- Nutrients coming from rivers
- Wind mixing can also bring up nutrients from bottom
Why is knowing about phytoplankton blooms and timing important?
- Peak phyto to peak zoo to salmon fry
- Salmon use zoo to get fat for migration (fatter = less (predation)
- Bloom timing needs to be concurrent w/ salmon exiting river