water root words Flashcards
to lose water or moisture, to become dry.
related to electricity that is made from the energy of falling water
an upright pipe with a spout nozzle or other outlet usually in the street for drawing water from a main pipe
living or taking place in water
a channel that has been built to carry water over long distances our drinking water is carried from the mountains through large aqueducts until it finally making its way to us
a glass tank or bowl in which fish or other aquatic animals live he loved to sit and the watch the fish swim back and forth in the aquarium
an underground layer of rock that water continually moves through the homesteaders dug their well right over the aquifer in order to get a clean and steady supply of water
related to the sea existing in or produced by the sea the oil spill near the gulf coast harmed many marine animals and plants
a small harbor where small boats can dock we looked out at the marina watching the sail boats come and go
on or near the sea