Water Pollution Flashcards
How much of the surface of the world is covered by water?
What is the function of the rising demands for water?
Increasing populations
Increasing developmental needs
What is the knock on effect?
Upstream pollution in one country can potentially cause a epidemic in another.
What are pathogens?
Disease causing organisms that grow and multiply host
What are the 3 infections and their diseases?
Parasitic worms
What are waterborne infections?
Cholera, ingested
What are water washed infections?
Scabia, cleanliness
What are water based infections?
Bilharzia, contact
What are water related infections?
Malaria, carries host
What does DO, COD and BOD stand for?
Dissolved Oxygen content
Chemical Oxygen Demand
Biological Oxygen Demand
What is the salinity of:
- Fresh Water
- Brackish
- Saline
- Seawater
- Drinking water
Fresh < 1500 1500 < Brackish < 5000 Saline > 5000 30000< Seawater < 34000 Drinking water < 500
What does the removal of fresh water cause?
Salinity Issues
Why do Power Stations require excessive amounts
of cooling water?
To remove latent heat
from the Turbine Steam
What are the Terms used to cover a range of chemicals
used to kill organisms we
consider “undesirable”?
Predominantly used in agricultural industry.
What is a common contaminant in ground water?
What does aerobic mean?
In presence of oxygen, stable, non-objectionable
CO2, SO4, PO4 and NO3
What does anaerobic mean?
Insufficient oxygen, highly unstable, objectionable
H2S, NH3, CH4
When does NBOD exert itself?
After 5-8 Days
What is the most common indicator of a rivers health?
When is there a lower chance for life to be sustained?
When DO < 5mg/l
DO availability is a function of a number of things such as:
Oxygen demand waste removes DO
Photosynthesis adds DO daytime, remove at night
Respiration of organisms remove DO
Rising temp’s reduces solubility of oxygen in water (summer)
What are the two key processes of a point source plug flow model?
Removal of oxygen by microorganisms during biodegradation = DEOXYGENATION
Replenishment of oxygen through aeration at the interface between the
river surface and atmosphere = REAERATION
What is the rate of deoxygenation?
This is the rate at which microorganisms are removing oxygen from the water during biodegradation.
What is the rate of reaeration?
This is the rate at which oxygen is being replenished.
What is an oligotrophic lake?
Clear water
Little sediment
Excess oxygen
What is the difference between a oligotrophic and eutrophic lake when regarding photosynthesis?
Oligotrophic lake: Photosynthesis at deep depths of lake
Eutrophic lake: Photosynthesis at shallow depths of lake
When does the density of water max out?
at 4°C
What is DO affected by?
thermal stratification and