Water Pollution Flashcards
What is a point source pollutant?
Pollution that can be traced to a single event or agent.
What is non-point source pollution?
Pollution that is the accumulation of many events or many unrelated agents.
How can industries be a point source of pollution?
They can release toxins into water or air. They can contaminate water when used as a solvent, to clean materials or to cool machinery.
How can agriculture be a source of pollution?
Agriculture can pollute water through chemical use (pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers), animal waste, and soil erosion.
How can construction sites be a source of water pollution?
Removing ground cover can produce soil erosion. Paints, solvents, and adhesives can get into the water. Debris can wash into streams and clog them.
What are some sources of pollution in cities?
Leaking fluids from cars. Road salt. Gardening chemicals. Litter.
How can a natural disaster be a source of water pollution?
When hurricanes, floods, or tornadoes destroy structures, the debris can enter waterways, chemicals can pollute water, and eroded soil can enter streams.
How can accidents be a source of water pollution?
Fire-fighting chemicals, oil and other chemical spills, and smoke can enter surface water, ground water, or air.
How are surface waters polluted?
Chemicals can be discharged into water, precipitation and run-off can dissolve chemicals, and chemicals can accumulate in oceans.
Why is it hard to clean ocean pollution?
The size and depth of oceans disperses pollution. Pollution can accumulate when rivers empty into the ocean, waves and currents can move pollution quickly..
How can pollution on land move to water resources?
Precipitation and run-off can dissolve or carry pollution to streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.
How can air pollution enter water resources?
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can react with precipitation to form acid rain.
What physical characteristics could change because of water pollution?
Dissolved gases, suspended particles (clarity), temperature and acidity.
What factors can affect the amount of dissolved oxygen in water?
Warmer water holds less dissolved gases. Large amounts of bacteria decomposing biomass can use up oxygen, creating dead zones.
Why are suspended particles and debris a pollutant?
They interfere with certain uses of water such as a habitat for organisms or a place for recreation.
How can temperature changes affect the quality of water?
Some organisms cannot tolerate extremely warm or cold water. Warm water decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen.
What is a toxin?
A chemical that can damage an organism or its habitat.
What is a Pathogen?
A disease-causing organism
What is biomagnification?
The concentration of contaminants increases as one moves up the food chain.
What are some harms from different types of water pollution?
Death, disease, birth defects, wildlife and aquatic habitats, uses of water such as personal use or recreation.
Why does human activity cause acid mine drainage?
Mined rock and tailings (mine waste) are brought to the surface, are broken into smaller pieces (increased surface area) and immediately exposed to weathering agents such as wind, water, and temperature differences.
What chemicals can lead to acid mine drainage problems?
Minerals and ores containing sulfide or sulfate anions, along with heavy metals such as iron, copper, zinc and nickel.
What environmental problems are associated with acid mine drainage?
Death of organisms (especially decomposers) leads to loss of diversity and build-up of biomass. Insect larvae and fish eggs are unable to survive.
How are large solids removed at the water treatment plant?
They pass through screens and other filters.
How are organic solids and oils removed at the wastewater treatment plant?
Water enters settlement tanks, where gravity pulls down organic solids and skimmers remove oils that float on the surface.
How are toxic chemicals removed from water at the treatment plant?
Chemical remediation causes reactions that neutralize harmful chemicals.
How are pathogens removed from water at the treatment plant?
Chemicals and good bacteria are used to remove pathogens.
What standards must water meet before being returned to rivers, streams or lakes?
They must meet standards of temperature, dissolved oxygen, acidity, and clarity.
How does the federal EPA affect water quality?
Through regulations under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and other legislation. They coordinate enforcement of their regulations with state and local governments.
What is the difference between a sewer system and a stormwater system?
Sewer systems include water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. Storm water is from outside sources such as precipitation, irrigation, and outdoor water use.
Why should wastewater be treated?
Clean water is critical to aquatic plants and animals, human consumption, and recreation.
What are some ways in which state and local governments can clean up water?
They can have litter removal programs, proper solid waste disposal and wastewater treatment, and reclamation incentives. They are also responsible for issuing water use permits and discharge permits under state and federal regulations.
What is water quality monitoring?
Taking samples from surface water sources to evaluate physical characteristics, biodiversity, and specific organism indicators.