Water Management Flashcards
What is the relation between water usage & human population?
Water usage has increased in tandem with population growth
What 2 ways can water usage be divided into?
- Consumption
- Recycled
How has water consumption been reduced?
- Efficient tech
- Recycling
What sectors in Canada rely heavily on water consumption?
- Thermal power generation
- Manufacturing
- Households
- Commercial & Institutional
- Agriculture
- Mining
- Oil & Gas
Which country has the highest renewable freshwater per capita?
Canada, however our fresh water is running out due to an increasing population
What are examples of global water balances?
- Transfer water form land = Returned water to Oceans
- Evaporation from the land + Evaporation from the ocean = Precipitation on the land + Precipitation on the ocean
What is the Hydrologic Cycle?
The hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle, is the continuous movement of water from the Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back. It consists of several stages:
- Evaporation
- Transpiration
- Condensation
- Precipitation
- Runoff
- Infiltration
What is Water Soil Saturation?
Water soil saturation refers to the condition in which soil is completely filled with water and can no longer hold any more. It occurs when the water table, which is the upper surface of the groundwater in the soil, rises to the point where it reaches the soil surface.
What are the types of grain sizes and how does it affect their permeability?
Coarse-grained (Ex. Sand Stone): soils and rocks with larger grain sizes which have lower permeabilities because they have less surface area and larger pore spaces, which slow down the flow of water and other fluids (low runoff).
Fine-grained (Ex. Shale): soils and rocks with smaller grains sizes which have more surface area in proportion to their volume, allowing water and other fluids to flow more easily through the spaces between the grains (higher permeability = high runoff).
What are the two types of Aquifers?
- Unconfined Aquifer
- Confined Aquifer
What types of rocks will aquifers be composed of?
- Sandstone
- Limestone
- Dolomite
- Sand & Gravel
- Fractured Bedrock
What are Artesian Wells?
Aquifers under pressure
How do wells impact the water table?
- Over-pumped wells alter the water table
- Many wells in proximity to each other can lower the water table
- Less water = Less buoyancy (leading to subsidence)
What is an example of subsidence?
Iran’s reduced water table caused by:
- Climate change (drought)
- Irrigation consumption
- Dam construction
- Illegal aquifer extraction
Who is Henry Darcy?
Henry Darcy was a French engineer and hydrologist who presented the first systematic study of the flow of water through soils and rocks, and developed the concept of hydraulic conductivity, which is a measure of the ability of a soil or rock to transmit water.
What is Darcy’s Law?
An equation which relates the velocity of groundwater flow to the hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity of the soil or rock
Discharge (Q) = k * i , where
k = constant or proportionality (slope and permeability/hydraulic conductivity)
i = hydraulic gradient which is the change in the height of the hydraulic head divided by the distance between two hydraulic heads (i = h / l)
Why is Darcy’s Law important for Environmental Geologists?
- Understanding groundwater flow for water resource management - helps to identify where contaminants might be transported and how quickly they might spread
- Designing groundwater remediation strategies - determine how quickly contaminants will move through the subsurface and develop strategies to prevent or mitigate their spread
- Assessing groundwater resources - determine the size and location of aquifers, which are subsurface formations that can store and transmit water, and to estimate their potential to provide water for drinking, irrigation, or other uses
- Modelling ground water systems - develop an understanding of groundwater resources and how they might be impacted by changes in the environment, such as pumping, land use changes, or contaminant inputs.
What are some Hydraulic conductivities of common rocks?
- Clay - 0.041 (50% porosity)
- Sand - 32.8 (35% porosity)
- Gravel - 205 (25% porosity)
- Gravel & Sand - 82 (20% porosity)
- Sandstone - 28.7 (15% porosity)
- Dense Limestone or Shale - 0.041 (5% porosity)
- Granite - 0.0041 (1% porosity)
What are Karst Topographies?
Karst topographies are landscapes that have been formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks, such as limestone (calcium carbonate), dolomite, and gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate).
How are Karsts formed?
The process of dissolution occurs when water containing dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with the rock, creating underground caves, sinkholes, and other features that are characteristic of karst landscapes.
Rain absorbs atmospheric CO2 = carbonic acid
CaCO3 + H2CO3 -> Ca(^2+) + 2 HCO(-)3
Calcium carbonate + carbonic acid = breakdown of calcium carbonate
What are natural sources of groundwater contamination?
The breakdown of contaminant-yielding deposits due to tectonic activity or land subsidence which dissolves into ground water
What are human sources of groundwater contamination?
- Groundwater mining related subsidence
- Breakdown through mining
- Human bio-engineered chemicals (insecticides and PCBs)
- Waste disposal (dumping, landfill infiltration, infrastructure)
What is Eutrophication?
Eutrophication is a process of excessive nutrient enrichment (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus) of aquatic ecosystems, such as lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. This enrichment can lead to overgrowth of algae and aquatic plants, which can result in a variety of ecological, economic, and public health impacts.
What are some causes of Eutrophication?
- Agricultural runoff - Fertilizers
- Sewage discharges - Wastewater treatment plants
- Industrial discharges - From manufacturing and mining
- Stormwater runoff - runoff from streets, parking lots, and buildings
What did the Hurricane Florence aftermath impact?
- Aquatic life
- Eutrophication
- Human land use
- Soil erosion
How is Toronto water treated?
- Source water protection - monitoring and controlling land use activities near Lake Ontario, as well as monitoring water quality to ensure that it meets safety standards
- Coagulation and Flocculation - The raw water from Lake Ontario is then pumped to a treatment plant, where chemicals (chlorine and alum) are added to the water to encourage the particles in the water to stick together, forming larger clumps called flocs
- Sedimentation - The flocs are then allowed to settle to the bottom of a sedimentation tank, where they are removed from the water
- Filtration - The clarified water then flows through a series of filters, which remove any remaining particles and impurities
- Disinfection - The filtered water is then disinfected to kill any remaining bacteria, viruses, and other harmful organisms
- pH adjustment: The water’s pH is then adjusted to ensure that it is within a safe range for drinking.
- Fluoridation: Finally, the water is fluoridated to improve dental health
What are 5 important ground water contaminants?
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Copper
- Boron
- Silver
What are 2 persistent water contaminants?
- Lead - 0.015 MCL (nervous system / kidney damage)
- Mercury - 0.002 MCL (central nervous system & kidney damage)
How is barium contamination propagated?
Breaking or fracturing of rock which leaches and dissolves in ground water
Why is barium contamination bad?
Maximum Contaminant Level: 2 mg/l
Acute effects: Gastrointestinal disturbances and muscular weakness
Chronic effects: Hypertension resulting from long-term exposures
What affects the residence time of a contaminant?
The permeability of an aquifer and the type of water body it resides in.
Low permeable aquifers coupled with slower moving water (such as lakes) results in longer residence time.
Highly permeable aquifers (such as shallow gravel coupled with faster moving water (such as river) results in shorter residence time.
Why was there a resurgence of lead pipes in the late 1800s in Flint, Michigan?
An increase in industrialization and population growth, as well as improvements in technology that made the production and installation of lead pipes more efficient and cost-effective. At the time, lead was considered to be a desirable material for plumbing due to its durability, resistance to corrosion, and ease of installation
Was it known that lead pipes were dangerous and needed monitoring?
Yes, the dangers of lead in drinking water have been known for centuries. Lead is a toxic metal that can cause a range of health problems, including brain damage, developmental problems, and anemia
What anti-corrosion chemicals can we introduce?
There are several anti-corrosion chemicals that work by forming a protective film on the inside of pipes, which helps to prevent the corrosion of metal pipes. These include:
- Orthophosphates
- Silicates
- Nitrates
How was lead leached from pipes?
Lead can leach into drinking water from pipes due to a process called corrosion. Corrosion occurs when the metal in pipes reacts with the water, causing the metal to dissolve and enter the water supply. Lead is particularly susceptible to corrosion, and when water is in contact with lead pipes for extended periods of time, significant amounts of lead can leach into the water.
Why was chloride intentionally added to the water, how was it unintentionally added and what was the effect?
Chlorine was added to the water in Flint, Michigan as a disinfectant to kill harmful bacteria and reduce the risk of waterborne illness. The addition of chlorine was intentional and was done as part of the normal water treatment process.
The use of chlorine in Flint’s water system was also complicated by the fact that the city’s water source had changed from Lake Huron to the Flint River, which had a higher concentration of naturally occurring chloride.
Chlorine can react with naturally occurring organic matter in the water, forming by-products called trihalomethanes (THMs), which are known to be carcinogenic and can have other adverse health effects. In addition to the formation of THMs, the presence of chlorine in Flint’s water supply may have also had an effect on the corrosion of the pipes.
How does chloride react with
Chlorine can react with metal pipes, leading to the corrosion of pipes and the leaching of lead and other metals into the water supply.
How did chloride react to cleaning products?
When chlorine is added to water, it reacts with organic matter in the water to form disinfection by-products (DBPs), including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Some cleaning products contain organic compounds, such as surfactants, which can react with chlorine to form additional DBPs. These by-products can be harmful to human health, and can increase the risk of cancer and other health problems.
What did they do to deal with cleaning byproducts?
- Source water treatment - can help to reduce the concentration of organic matter in the water
- Alternatives to chlorine -UV light / ozone (not be practical or cost-effective)
- Reduce the use of chlorine - may also increase the risk of harmful bacteria and other contaminants in the water
- Treatment of DBPs - activated carbon filtration can be used to remove DBPs from water (not be practical or cost-effective)
- Public Education - Raising public awareness about the potential dangers of DBPs from cleaning products and the importance of using cleaning products that are compatible with chlorinated water can help to minimize the risk of exposure to these by-products.
How much lead did they find in blood samples?
Another study conducted by the Virginia Tech Research Team found that the lead levels in some Flint homes were as high as 13,200 parts per billion (ppb), which is more than 850 times the federal limit of 15 ppb.
Why was California historically vulnerable to floods?
- Geography - California has a diverse geography, including low-lying coastal areas, steep mountain ranges, and large rivers, which can all contribute to flooding.
- Climate - California experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by dry summers and wet winters. This can result in heavy rainfall during the winter months, which can cause widespread flooding.
- Urbanization - The rapid urbanization of California in recent decades has led to the paving over of vast areas of permeable land, which can cause increased runoff during heavy rains and increase the risk of flash flooding.
- Aging infrastructure - California’s infrastructure, including its dams, levees, and flood control systems, is aging and in need of repair and modernization.
- Lack of comprehensive planning - Despite its vulnerability to floods, California has not always had comprehensive flood planning and risk management in place.
Although there was a drought in California, why wasn’t heavy rainfall good?
This is because the dry soil from the drought is not able to absorb water as well as it would in normal conditions, causing increased runoff and the risk of flash flooding. Additionally, the heavy rainfall can cause issues for the state’s aging infrastructure, including dams, levees, and flood control systems.
How have forest fires impacted the flooding in California?
- Soil Erosion - Wildfires can strip the land of vegetation, leaving the soil exposed and vulnerable to erosion. When heavy rains come, the bare soil is more likely to wash away, causing increased runoff and the risk of flash flooding.
- Damaged Watersheds - Forest fires can also damage or destroy the watersheds that help to store and distribute water. This can cause increased runoff during heavy rains and increase the risk of flooding.
- Debris Flows - In areas where there has been a recent forest fire, the risk of debris flows - fast-moving mixtures of mud, rock, and other materials - can be much higher. These flows can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure and pose a threat to human safety.
- Impacts to infrastructure - Forest fires can also damage or destroy critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and levees, making it more difficult for communities to prepare for and respond to future floods.
How was infrastructure incapable of controlling flooding?
- Aging infrastructure
- Urbanization
- Climate Change
- Lack of comprehensive planning
- Limited resources
What is the opportunity that California has with this increase in severe rainfall events?
The increased rainfall can provide a valuable opportunity for California to replenish its depleted water resources, particularly in areas that have been impacted by drought in recent years. Additionally, increased rainfall can also boost the state’s hydroelectric power generation capacity, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and helping to lower its carbon emissions. Furthermore, the increased rainfall can also benefit the state’s agriculture sector by providing much-needed water to crops, which in turn can lead to increased food production and economic growth.
Why is the solution so hard to accomplish?
Water management is a complex issue that involves multiple levels of government, stakeholders, and interests. Balancing the needs of urban, agricultural, and environmental users can be difficult and requires political cooperation and compromise.
What is happening with fossil groundwater mining in the Saharan Desert?
fossil groundwater mining in the Saharan Desert is a practice that is not sustainable and carries significant environmental and energy-related consequences