Water Footprint Flashcards
Three examples of Water Footprint
- Water accounting & vulnerability evaluation (WAVE)
- Fate of evaporation and implications for water footprinting
- Available Water Remaining (AWARE)
WAVE Inventory
WC=effective water consumption FW=Freshwater withdrawals WW=Wastewater discharges ER=Evapo(transpi-)ration recycling VR=Synthetically created vapor recycling
Basin internal evaporation recycling
Basin external evaporation recycling
Basin Internal Evaporation Recycling (BIER)
Evaporation Recycling: ER=EBIERa
BIER changes over the year
Ξ»- Γ length scale of evaporation recycling ->tells us which average distance one drop travels after it has been evaporated before it comes back as rain
x -Size of drainage basin, assumed to be quadratic -> the bigger the drainage basin the more internal evaporation recycling
WAVE - Impact assessment
- Impacts are defined as the risk to deprive (entrauben) other users of using freshwater when consuming water: RFD=(WCeff*WDI)
- Water Deprivation Index (WDI) denotes the vulnerability of a basin n to freshwater deprivation and, thus, expresses the potential to deprive other users when consuming water in basin n and month k
WAVE - Impact assessment - 6 Steps to calculate WDI
WDI= water deprivation index (Wasserentzugsindex)
Step 1:
Ratio of water consumption (C) to water availability (A) - πΆππ΄=πΆ/π΄
Step 2:
Consideration of surface water stocks (SWS)
Step 3: Consideration of groundwater stocks (GWS)
Step 4:βTranslationβ of water scarcity
into vulnerability regarding
freshwater deprivation
Step 5:
Absolute water shortage
Step 6:
Total WDI=max(WDIrelative;WDIabsolut) β>worst case analyse
Step 2
Consideration of surface water stocks (SWS) in CTA=C/A+SWS
SWS=(Vdam+[Alake/wetland*d])/100 years
- Volumes of dams available in
WaterGAP3 (Eisner, S. 2016) - Volumes of lakes and wetlands are determined by multiplying their surface areas (WaterGAP3) with an effective depth (5 m lakes, 2 m wetlands)
- In order to combine volumes of surface water stocks and annual flows of consumption and availability, an anually usable fraction of 1% is assumed
Step 3
Consideration of groundwater stocks
β In contrast to surface water stocks, groundwater stocks cannot be quantified
β Adjustment factor are developed based on geological structure and groundwater
recharge WHYMAP, Richts et al. 2011)
Step 5:
Absolute water shortage
β WDI(Water deprivation index) for absolute water shortage determined based on aridity (Trockenheit) index (pot. evapotranspiration/
Integrated WAVE factor
β’ Combining BIER and WDI into an integrated WAVE+ factor, which can simplify
the application if evapo transpi )ration is dominant form of water consumption
with 1-Bier=Water accounting part and WDI=impact assessment part
β’ BIER, WDI, WAVE factors are determined on a monthly and basin resolution;
to increase applicability, they are aggregated to:
β Annual basin specific averages
β Annual country averages
β Annual world region averages
Available Water Remaining (AWARE)
- Building a consensus model for assessing
impacts of water use in LCA - Stressbased generic midpoint
Evolution of scarcity indicators modeled in LCA
Availabilty - demand
AWARE Characterization Model
AMD=(Availability-Humand demand - ecosystems demand)/Area
AWARE Characterization Model
CF=max=100, if demand>availability or AMD<0,1*AMDworld
CF=Min=0.1,if 0.1 AMD_i β₯ AMD_world or AMD_i β₯ 100 AMD_world