water fog Flashcards
purpose of water fog
-operates under the principle of droplet size from the nozzle
-smaller droplets will rapidly remove heat from any surface that they make contact with and the larger droplets will smother the fire in doing so quickly reduce the temperature of the compartment
system code for wsc water fog
wsc water fog spray purpose
-to extinguish or suppress any fire that accuses within the wsc and to provide a cooling medium to the weapons such that 57 seconds after detection the temperature will fall below 550’C
-it is designed to be operated remotely for speed of initiation
-it also provide protection to the pyrolockers in the wsc,fwd escape,and flare lockers in the ships office by manual initial of master pyro flood valves
who’s operates wsc water fog
scc or electrical panel
where’s wsc water fog operated from
-scc for remote
-manoeuvring room
-manually from electrolyser space using sws 605 sws 609
-ipbs fwd and aft ends of wsc
-ipbs 3 deck lobby and 2 deck passageway
key operating parameters of water fog spray
av and b supply pressure at 13 bar
operates for 7 1/2 minutes till a low level alarm comes up on pms
how it works the water fog spray
the fresh water spray tank holds the pressurised water and the fresh water spray tank blow using the av and b system forces the water out of the tank and into the spray pipes after it’s been sprayed for 7.5 minutes the tank only had water for another 45 seconds after which it will shut off the the mp ballast pump will take over