Water Efficiency Flashcards
What is the EPAct of 1992
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) covers many products and services related to energy. It also sets standards for toilets and other water fixtures in both commercial and residential models.
What is a full-time equivalent (FTE)?
A full time equivalent (FTE) is a regular building occupant who spends 40 hours per week in the project building. Part-time or overtime occupants have FTE values based on their hours per week divided by 40. Multiple shifts are included or excluded depending on the intent and requirements of the credit.
What two measurements are used to calculate a percent reduction in water use?
A baseline design case and an installed design case
What variables are used in determining FTE calculations?
Type of building occupant (full-time, part-time, transient) and the hours worked per week.
What are transient occupants?
Building visitors and other part-time or occasional occupants, such as students, volunteers, visitors, etc.
Harvested rainwater can be substituted for what types of potable water use?
Landscape irrigation, fire suppression, toilet and urinal flushing, and custodial uses.
What does GPF stand for?
Gallons per flush. The unit of measurement for flush fixtures (urinals, water closets)
What does GPM stand for?
Gallons per minute. The unit of measurement for flow fixtures (faucets, showers)
What is graywater?
Domestic wastewater composed of wash water from kitchen, bathroom, and laundry sinks, tubs, and washers. (EPA)
What codes define graywater?
Local and state authorities along with the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) in its appendix G, Gray Water Systems for Single-Family Dwellings & the International Plumbing Code (IPC) Appendix C, Gray Water Recycling Systems.
Irrigation impacts what LEED categories?
Water Efficiency (WE) and Energy and Atmosphere (EA)