Water And Carbon Flashcards
Global distribution and size of major stores of water
Hydrosphere - holds 97% of all water
Cryosphere - 2% of water is locked up in ice
Lithosphere - 30% of all freshwater is stored in rocks
Atmosphere - water exists in all 3 states in the atmosphere ( solid, liquids, gas)
A store of water in land
A store of water as liquid on the surface on earth ( oceans )
A store of water as frozen water on earth (glaciers)
A store of water in the air
Transfer of water from the atmosphere to the ground
Water balance
The relationship between precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration and storage
Volume of water flowing through a channel
Evaporation/condensation and sublimation
Transfer of water from liquid to gas/gas to liquid and either solid to gas or vice Versa
Combined losses of moisture from transpiration and evaporation from a plant
Water caught and stores by plants
Overland/through/groundwater flow
Transfer of water over land / through soil or rocks
Infiltration / percolation
Transfer of water from the ground surface into soil/rocks
Global distribution and major stores of carbon
Lithosphere - 99.9% of carbon on earth
Hydrosphere - C02 dissolves in rivers
Atmosphere - 0.001
Biosphere - 0.004 in tissue of organisms
Cryosphere - 0.01
Carbon sink
Store that absorbs more carbon than it releases
Carbon source
Releases more carbon than it absorbs
Vegetation succession
Sequence of development and changes in plant community
Succession that relates to a specific environment
Vegetation succession that occurs on bare rock/
Water-freshwater pond/salt-coastal salt marsh/coastal sand
Process by which plants use suns energy to produce glucose
Process that happens to convert glucose into energy
When organic material is burned releasing c02 and water
Burial and compaction
Organic matter is buried by sediments and compacted
When carbon is captured and held
the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on Earths surface.
Carbon budget
Describes amount of carbon that is stored or transferred
The way a system responds to flows or inputs
Positive feedback
Enhances the outcome leading to instability
Negative feedback
Works against the outcome leading to stability
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Uses technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations and industry
Soil organic carbon
Organic matter in a soil ( usually around 2-10% of soil )
Carbon farming
Where one type of crop is replaced by another that has greater productivity
Replanting and rebuilding soil on disturbed land
Process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants
Applying a layer of material over soil to prevent carbon loss and add organic matter to the soil