Watch Officer's Guide Flashcards
Where is the pivot point on a destroyer-type ship when moving ahead?
1/3 the length of the ship–generally, the Bridge
What is the turning cirlce?
The circle that’s fully created while maintaining a constant rudder and speed. “Drawing” the circle does not start until you’re on the track to establish the final diameter.
Discuss the relation between wind and turning rate when moving forward or backing.
Ships with more sail area forward of the pivot point than aft of the pivot point exhibit the below tendencies:
- -FWD: (1) bow to move slowly into the wind; (2) stern to move rapidly away from the wind
- -Backward: Bow move rapidly into the wind
Ships with more sail area AFT of the pivot point than forward tend to experience the opposite
What is the tactical diameter?
The distance made good in a direction perpendicular to that of the original course from the time the rudder is put over until the ship is on a reverse heading.
It is the transfer for a turn of 180 degrees
Discuss the effect of speed upon turning.
If you maintain a constant rudder, increasing speed will increase the turning circle due to the inertia of the ship keeping her going in the original direction of motion.
If you’re at bare steerageway, then decreasing the speed will cause a large circle because the rudder acts against the inertia with less effect, and the ship tends to keep moving in a straight line.
What are the Shallow Water Effects?
Less space between the ship’s hull and the bottom means less freely the screw currents flow and act upon the hull and rudder.
- -rudder has less influence
- -STW is less than indicated by the propeller revolutions
What is Squat?
Moving at high speed in shallow water causes the bow to ride up on the wave, which will sink the stern deeper into the water
You’re following STERETT in a Form 1. She turns port and you desire to follow exactly in her wake. When do you give the order to turn?
When your bridge is crossing the patch of water where STERETT “kicked” the rudder.
How should your OOD turn the ship in the shortest possible time?
All engines ahead full, hard rudder
How should your OOD turn the ship in the shortest possible space?
- -Hard rudder
- -outboard engine ahead 2/3
- -inboard engine back 2/3
What document must you know IOT shiphandle while in formation?
ATP-1 Vol 1 and 2
What is the key to proficient station keeping in close formation?
Visualizing simple problems in relative motion
What does a stadimeter do?
Provides a distance to an object or ship
What effect exists if your ship is traveling in the wake of another ship?
The shafts require a few more revolutions than it would in still water to make good the same speed as the ship ahead. This is because your ship has to overcome the wave turbulence of the preceding ship.
Your bridge team is supposed to follow the vessel in front of you and they keep taking your ship into, then out of, the preceding ship’s wake. Is this a problem? Why?
Yes. Wave turbulence exists and further complicates the problem since they will have to speed-correct for each transition into/out of the wake.
Stay in the wake, or stay out of the wake
What is the 3 minute rule? What if you’re going 20 knots?
Speed in knots x 100 = distance in yards travelled in 3 minutes
20 kts x 100 = 2000 yds (1 NM) in 3 minutes
What is the 6 minute rule? What if you’re going 20 knots?
Speed in knots / 10 = NM traveled in 6 minutes
What are two big points that the OOD should keep in mind regarding Screening?
- -The station-keeping should be EXACT, with the OOD ensuring that the ship is where she is supposed to be at all times
- -When a screen is being reoriented or its station changed, the OOD must keep an alert watch over the whole formation, using his or her own eyes to the MAX extent, while posing the bridge to run the Moboard.
Discuss the actions for a Man Overboard?
- Put the rudder over to the same side of the person to kick stern away
- Throw over a life ring with a strobe light and smoke float to mark the spot
- Tell JOOD/lookout/anyone to point to the sailor
- Pass the word 2x for MOB, port/stbd side
- 6+ blasts on the ship’s whistle
- Notify CIC so that it can provide continual range, bearings, and water temps
- Notify ships in company and OTC
- Inform CO/XO
- CO must inform flag officer
- Determine recover method and pass the word
- Keep the recovery detail informed as to which side of the ship you plan to recover on
What are the 4 methods of recovering a man overboard?
- Anderson (fastest, but hardest for skill)
- Williamson (Night and low vis)
- Racetrack (faster if ship is at high speed and clear weather)
- Y-backing (ships with large turning circles and awesome backing power at slower speeds)
When ships are in a column formation and a MOB occurs, how do they maneuver?
- Odd ships clear to STBD
- Even ships clear to PORT
- Ship nearest the man recovers the man
What’s the danger of a steam ship attempting to perform a shipboard recovery?
The main condenser intakes along the sides of the ship
How do you execute a Williamson Turn Recovery?
- Rudder over FULL to the side the person fell
- Inboard engine stop, outboard engine ahead full
- When clear of person, ahead full on both engines
- When 60 degrees beyond the original course, shift your rudder
- Come to the course reciprocal
- Put ship upwind of man (wind, ship, man)
- Slow as necessary
How do you execute a Y-Backing Recovery?
- Rudder over FULL to the side the person fell
- Inboard engine stop
- When clear of the person, back the engines with full power, shift rudder
- When bow is approaching direction of man, go ahead on engines and alter rudder to recover
Why do ships not use speeds less than 8 knots during a RAS?
It reduces the rudder effect
If you need to use speeds higher than 15 knots during the RAS, what should you do? Why?
Increase lateral separation distance between the ships. The Venturi Effect is stronger at higher speeds
What is the sequence for RAS?
- SHIP: Station 1000 yards astern, 3.6 deg of separation
- GUIDE: Romeo at the dip (preparing to receive us)
- SHIP: Romeo at the dip on the RIGGED side (we are preparing to come alongside)
- GUIDE: Romeo hoisted close up (ready to receive us)
- SHIP: Romeo hoised close up (starting approach to the guide)
- SHIP: speed up to 18-20 kts, maintain lateral separtion 140-160 ft (GET preferred 160-180 ft)
- Once stern of GUIDE passes transom of SHIP, order 13 kts
- Ship switch to RPMs for fine tune pitch control
- P&D line is shot over
- Lines shot over for grabbing the span wire near rigging station
- Secure the span wire (Romeo hauled down)
- Tension the span wire
- Transfer fuel or mamo? Both ships with BRAVO
- -Close up, both ships–actively being transferred
- -At the dip–temporarily halted transfer
- -Hauled down–delivery complete
- SHIP: 15 min before complete, hoist PREP at the dip
- SHIP: when complete, hoist PREP close up
- When all lines cleared, haul down PREP
- Break away
What are the basic steps of an emergency breakaway?
- Delivery ship ceases pumping
- Receiving ship releases probe
- Delivery ship retrieves probe
- Delivery ship de-tensions span wire
- Receiving ship trips span wire on delivery ship’s signal
Describe the RAdian Rule
For every degree difference in bearing, divided by 60, and multiplied by the range, equals the horizontal desparation.
Ex. Contact 3 degrees off the bow at 2 NM.
3 / 60 x 4000 yds = 200 yd lateral distance
What is the Slide into Station rule?
When taking station alongside the oiler, the time you need to reduce engines to match speed. Speed differential x 25 yds (gas turbine).
Ex. Oiler going 13 kts, station speed is 20 kts.
7 x 25 yds = 175 yds reduce speed to 13 kts
What is the Binocular Rule?
A FFG will fill a standard binocular at 300 yds. DDG–350 yds. CVN–450 yds.
What is the distance to the horizon in NM? Assume HOE is 110 ft.
- 14 x sq (HOE in feet).
1. 14 x 110 = 12 NM
For a CRUDES, what are the speed decreases and distances for an anchoring?
- 1000 yds = 10 kts
- 500 yds = 5 kts
- 250 yds = All stop
- Backing = Drop anchor
How much anchor chain should you pot out, in general?
5-7 times the depth of the water
Discuss the 3 ways that UNREPing ship pairs thend to move when approaching, alongside, and breaking away.
- Approach: bow overtaking the stern will push the bow out
- Alongside: ships love laterally toward each other
- Breakaway: when two sterns cross, they attract
What are Bank Cushion and Bank Suction?
Bank Cushion–when near a bank, the bow will be forced out
Bank Suction–when near a bank, the stern will be sucked towards the bank
What is the number 1, most significant overall cause of collisions?
CIC and Bridge not checking each other’s actions
What is a good pneumonic for correcting gyro error?
Compass least, error east. Compass best, error west.
When converting from gyro to true, how do you add or subtract error?
GET (G + E = T)
Gyro + East error = True
What are the 6 rules for DR?
- Every hour on the hour
- Every course change
- Every speed change
- Every fix or running fix
- Every LOP
- Label each fix with course, speed, time. DR out twice.