Wastewater treatment-Lecture 20 Flashcards
Objectives of a wastewater treatment plant
We want to remove: Sand, grit, debris suspended solids BOD-increase of biological oxygen demand, increase wastewater contaminants - Pathogens -Nutrients: Nitrogen, phosphorous
Typical wastewater treatment train
Raw sewage->Bar screening and grit chamber->Primary Clarifier->Trickling Filter->Activated Sludge->Secondary Clarifier-> Solids Thickening->aerobic digestion->solids disposal
Preliminary Treatment
Purpose: Protect WWTP equipment, does not decrease BOD much
Physical Treatment: Bar screening
Removal of Course Solids by Interception
Grit Chamber
Removal of grit(heavy solids): sand, broken glass, silt, pebbles
WW flows into chambers where heavy solids sink to the bottom
Grinding of Solids
Primary Treatment
Purpose: Remove objectionable solids, remove solids by settling, remove floating materials, particularly greases (by skimming)
Circular Sedimentation basins remove solids/floatable scum, moves from center to outside edge overflow trough, skimmer boom
- Removes about 45% to 50% of the suspended solids and 25-30% if the BD of the incoming wastewater
Primary Sludge->sludge from primary clarifier
- sludge settles to bottom and is collected by rotating rake, carries sludge to center-> sludge is transported to a sludge thickener
Secondary Treatment
Purpose: removal of soluble BOD, additional removal of suspended solids
Example Unit Operations:
Biological Treatment: Trickling Filter and Activated Sludge
Physical Treatment: Secondary Clarifier
90% of suspended solids have been removed and 80-90% of BOD have been removed
Secondary biological treatment
Microorganisms to convert organic wastes to CO2 and H2O
-Similar to self-purification process in streams
Organic Material+O2+nutrients->New cells +CO2+H2O
granule formation: Bacteria colonize stalks of ciliated protozoa in activated sludge
Aerobic Biological Treatment Processes
- Trickling Filter (BioFIlm process)
- WW continuously distributed over media
- media: rocks, plastic media
- Space Between media allow air circulation (O2 promotes respiration)
- no particle removal
- - Deeper filter possible with plastic media
- - Biofilm Bacteria: Grow on media and degrade organics as sewage trucks fiwn - Activated Sludge Process (Suspended growth process)
- Aeration tank plus secondary clarifier
- Recycles activated sludge (biomass) to maintain a sufficient concentration of biomass in aeration tank
Important organisms in Activated sludge
microbes contained in flocs suspended aggregates-> decrease filament, decrease flocs
- ——– increase filament, increase SA:V, float to top, bulking
- combination of rod shaped and filamentous species
Important Filamentous Microbe : Nocardia spp
Gram Positive actinomycetes
basics for flocs-> decrease BOD
- Rod-shaped-> forms filaments-> non-motile
strict aerobe that can grow over wide temperature range
Nutritionally Versatile in terms of carbon source
Can contribute to bulking-happens when FOG is high
Too much Nocardia=bad=foaming
Zoogloea spp.
Gram Negative rod-shaped species, Aerobic, can dentrify, motile
Makes EPS- holds flocs together, traps toxins, nutrients
—> Can help or hurt in settling
Because of EPS, great at concentrating nutrients and scrubbing systems of organics, removing BOD
Can make Poly-hydroxybutyrate using B-ketohiolase
Secondary Effluent, Decrease organic content
White bubbles
- from detergents that passed through treatment without being removed or degraded
ABS detergent not readily biodegradeabke
LAS more biodegradable
- secondary effluent is disinfected with chlorine
- water is dechlorinated before discharge, dechlorinate with NAHSO3, eliminates chlorine residual
Sludge Treatment + Digested sludge drying bed
- procedure to increase the solids content of sludge by removing a portion of water
- generally accomplished by physical means, inclusing thickening or flotation
Anaerobic Digestion
- traditional biological method of sludge processing
- anaerobic bacteria convert organics to CO2 and CH4 (methanogens)
Drying Beds: improve soil organic content, used if sludge is clean
Anaerobic Digestors
Reduce Sludge volume and pathogen load
-prevent foul odors
Wastewater Reuse
Direct Potable Reuse of treated WW is rare
Non potable reuse: irrigation (Agricultural and municipal), fire protection
Protozoa, Giardia, Cryptosporidium,
Protozoa: Many form cysts, resting stage (dormant), develop thick wall and have low metabolic activity
Function: Protection from adverse conditions, transport to new host
Cause human disease: Malaria, amoebic dysentary, giardiasis, cryptosporiadiosis
Giardia: flagellated, forms cysts, 1st proof of waterborne pathogenic protozoan
Cryptosporidium: Nonmotile, Protozoan parasite, Causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and committing
- Thick walls provide protection from harsh environments
The Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle: describes the routes that nitrogen atoms take through the environment
- N2 not used by organisms
Nitrification and Denitrification
Nitrification: bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrite ions then into nitrate ions
Denitrifying Bacteria: convert nitrates in soil or water to gaseous nitrogen
Humans affect the nitrogen cycle
Haber-Bosch Process: production of fertilizers by combining nitrogen and hydrogen to synthesize ammonia
Fixing atmospheric Nitrogen with fertilizers:
- increase emissions of greenhouse gases and smog
- Washes calcium and potassium out of soil
- Acidifies Water and Soils
- moves nitrogen into terrestrial systems and oceans
- reducing reduces diversity of plants adapted to low- nitrogen soils
- changed estuaries and coastal ecosystems
FISH to determine relevant metabolic groups
ammonia oxidizers towards periphery
flourescent probes hybridize strongly