Wastewater Content Flashcards
Fresh water accounts for what percent of total water?
The 5 uses of water
leakage & wastage
UK water usage (L/capita.day)
150 L/capita.day
What is the average daily demand?
The average of the total amount of water used each day during a 1 year designed period
What is the maximum daily demand?
the maximum total amount of water used during any
24-hour period (e.g. the highest demand during a 3 year period). Note: This
number should consider and exclude any unusual and excessive uses of water
that would affect the calculation i.e., a broken water main.
What is the maximum hourly demand?
the maximum amount of water used in any single
hour of any day in a 3-year period. It normally is expressed in litre (or gallons) per
day by multiplying the actual peak hour by 24.
Water (properties)
Universal solvent
suspends fine solids
Explain the hydrological cycle
The hydrological cycle, also known as the water cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth’s surface. It begins with the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers, forming water vapor in the atmosphere. This vapor then condenses into clouds, leading to precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or other forms of water, completing the cycle as it returns to the Earth’s surface.
Water quality characteristics (Physical)
*Total solids (remain after
*Suspended solids (clay, silt,
*Dissolved solids (TS-SS;
*Turbidity (colloidal matter,
reduces clarity of water)
*Colour (suspended or
*Tastes/odours (organics
from algae, decomposed
organics, industry,
detergents, H2S in GW)
Water quality characteristics (Chemical)
*pH (natural waters: 5 to 8.5)
*Major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+)
*Minor cations (Fe2+ and Mn2+)
*Major anions (HCO3
-, SO4
2-, Cl-.)
*Minor anions (F- and NO3
*If NH4
+ and NO3
- are high indicative
of possible waste contamination
*Alkalinity (CO3
2-, HCO3
-, and OHcontent)
it is important in
coagulation, in lime-soda softening,
buffering capacity of a water.
*Acidity due to CO2
*Hardness (polyvalent metallic ions,
principally Ca2+ and Mg2+ scale as
CaCO3, GW is harder than SW)
*Conductivity (TDS=A×EC)
*Dissolved gases (O2, CO2, H2S, NH3,
N2, and CH4. )
*Chemical pollution (pesticides, NO3
-, DBPs, PPCPs, EDCs).
Water quality characteristics (Biological)
*Microbes are common in SW but
absent in GW (bacteria, protozoa,
fungi, algae, and viruses).
*Most bacteria in water are
beneficial to humans, but some
bacteria present in polluted
waters are pathogenic and can
cause waterborne diseases
*The coliform bacteria
Escherichia coli and Aerobacter
aerogenes, are indicator
organisms of pollution and easy
to test in the lab.
*Actinomycetes, fungi, and algae
are microbes that produce end
products that may cause tastes
and odours in water supplies.
How should water sources used for drinking water be protected from chemical contamination?
through land-use control,
definition of protection zones and application of adequate wastewater
What is WHO?
prescriptive water-quality standards covering a range of physical- and chemical-quality
parameters for drinking water, started in the 1950s and still continues.
USA standards
The current National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations.
Primary standards are legally enforceable and secondary relate to aesthetic parameters and
are non-enforceable.
Typical standards (BOD5, TSS, P, N)
BOD5: 150 to 40mg/L
TSS: 150 to 400 mg/L
P: 5 to 15 mg/L
N: 40 to 80 mg/L
UK standards
UK standards
BOD5: 20 mg/L
TSS: 30 mg/L
Nutrient standards
P, N
Nutrient standards if discharging
to sensitive areas:
P: 1-2 mg/L
N: 10-15mg/L
What is surface/storm water
clean water collected from roofs and paved
What is DWF
DWF: “the average daily
flow to the treatment works
during seven consecutive
days without rain (excluding
a period which includes
public holidays) following
seven days during which the
rainfall did not exceed 0.25
millimetres on any one day”.
DWF equation
DWF = LP + I + E
L: per capita consumption; P: population;
I: infiltration, E: industrial and commercial
effluent contribution.
treat 3DWF+ holding tanks for a further 3DWF;
excess of 6DWF overflows untreated to the
receiving water.
If discharge is to sensitive areas (e.g. beach),
then use 6DWF(treatment) + 6DWF(holding tanks)
DWF can be approximated by an equivalent
to 225L/head.day
Four components that make up WW flow
- Domestic
-industrial - Infiltration/inflow
- Stormwater
What can infiltration be estimated on
based on the area served by the collection system, it
may range from 0.2 to 28 m3/ha.day.
These rates can be reduced if additional care during construction of sewer lines is
taken to adequately seal the joints.
Exfiltration can result in pollution of the water supply.
If discharge to sensitive areas (DWF)
If discharge is to sensitive areas (e.g. beach), then use 6DWF(treatment) + 6DWF(holding tanks)
The elementary rational method:
The elementary rational method can also be used in urban sewer design:
Qp = 0.278CIA
Qp: flow rate (m3/s)
C: a runoff coefficient varying from 0.05 to 0.95 (e.g. for streets it varies between 0.7-0.9)
I: uniform rainfall intensity (mm/h)
A: catchment area (km2).
Residential wastewater flow as a ratio to the average.
Maximum daily 2.25:1
Maximum hourly 3:1
Minimum daily 0.67:1
Minimum hourly 0.33:1
Minimum pipe velocity, for flushing
> 0.75 m/s.
Maximum pipe velocity to prevent scouring and separation of liquids from solids
< 3.5 m/s
Peaking factor for domestic wastewater flowrates
Peak hourly flowrate = Average flowrate
* Peaking factor
(Use Chart)
Peak hourly flow rates are used to size
the hydraulic conveyance system and other
facilities such as sedimentation tanks and chlorine contact tanks where little volume is
available for flow dampening.
Sewer definition
A sewer is an artificial conduit (or pipe) or system of conduits used to remove
sewage (human liquid waste) and to provide drainage.
Mogden formula
C = R + V + B * O_t/O_s + S S_t/S_s
C : Charge per unit of effluent
R : reception and conveyance charge
V : volumetric and primary treatment cost
B : biological oxidation costs for settled effluent
Ot : the effluent COD following one hour quiescent settling
and with pH adjusted to 7.0
Os : the COD of the sewage
S : treatment and disposal costs of primary sewage sludge
St : TSS (total suspended solids) of the effluent
Ss : TSS of the crude sewage
What is the BOD
Biological oxygen demand
Amount of O2 consumed by bacteria stabilising decomposable organic
matter under aerobic conditions
- Measures waste strength and treatment efficiency
- Process is 95-99 % complete within 20 days (total or ultimate BOD)
- 5 days BOD generally used (oxidation is 60 – 70% complete)
- 20°C is used, average value for slow moving streams in temperate
climates - Biochemical reaction rates are dependent on temperature
Basis for BOD test
If sufficient oxygen is available total decomposition of the biodegradable organic waste
through 3 distinct activities:
1. Portion of the waste is oxidised to produce energy
2. Some of the energy is used to produce new cells
3. When all organic matter is used up, the new cells consume their own cell tissue
The oxygen used to complete the three reactions is termed as the ultimate BOD
- Oxidation
COHNS + O2 + bacteria ==> CO2 + H2O NH3 + other products + energy
- Synthesis
COHNS + O2 + bacteria + energy ==> C5H7NO2
- Endogenous respiration
C5H7NO2 + 5O2 ==> 5CO2 + NH3 + 2H2O
The most widely used method is the 5 day BOD (BOD5). The sample is incubated at 20°C
for five days. It is based on the measurement of dissolved oxygen involved in the
biochemical oxidation of organic matter present in the water.
- measure conc of DO in first sample
- incubate 2nd sample in the dark at 20 degrees C for 5 days
- measure the concentration of the DO in the second sample
BOD5 equation
procedure 1
BOD5 = (D1 - D2) / P
D1: dissolved oxygen of diluted sample immediately after preparation, mg/L
D2: dissolved oxygen of diluted sample after 5-day incubation at 20°C, mg/L
P: fraction of wastewater sample volume to total combined volume, P = Vs/VB.
VB: volume of the BOD bottle (usually VB = 300 mL)
Vs: volume of the sample
BOD5 equation
procedure 2
BOD5 = ((D1- D2) - (B1 - B2)*f)/ P
Vs: volume of the sample
D1: dissolved oxygen of diluted sample immediately after preparation, mg/L
D2: dissolved oxygen of diluted sample after 5-day incubation at 20oC, mg/L
B1: dissolved oxygen of seed control before incubation, mg/L
B2: dissolved oxygen of seed control after incubation, mg/L
f: fraction of seeded dilution water volume in sample to volume of seeded dilution water in seed control,
f = (VB-Vs)/VB
P: fraction of wastewater sample volume to total combined volume, P = Vs/VB.
Amount of O2 consumed to chemically oxidise
biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic
matter under standard laboratory conditions
Impact of excessive amounts of nutrients
*Eutrophication is the enrichment of water with nutrients, usually phosphorous and nitrogen, which stimulates
the growth of algal blooms and rooted aquatic vegetation.
*Eutrophication promotes more plant growth and decay that in turn increases biochemical oxygen demand
Algal blooms
low levels of DO
kills fish
shifts in plants and animal population in surface water
Eutrophication threatens
*poorly replenished water bodies
* natural lakes
* artificial impoundment
* bays
* sluggish streams
post screening treatment
Washing : to remove hazardous material for separate treatment
Maceration: to facilitate compaction
Dewatering : to reduce volume and weight
Compaction: to reduce volume
Advantages + Disadvantages of Aerated grit chamber
Advantages :
* Can be used for chemical addition, mixing, and flocculation ahead of primary
* Fresh wastewater, thus reduce odors and remove BOD5
* Minimal headloss
* Grease removal by providing a skimming device
* Remove some organic matter by air supply
* Remove any desired size by controlling the air supply
* Volatile organic compound (VOC) and odor emission
* Due to a health risk, covers may be required or nonaerated type grit chambers
may be used.
* High maintenance
* High energy costs
Explain aerated grit chamber
*Widely used for selective removal of grits
*Create a spiral current within the basin using diffused compressed air
*Designed to remove grit particles having a specific gravity of 2.5 and retained
over a 65-mesh (0.21-mm ) screen
*Used for medium to large treatment plants
What is grit
Grit: sand, dust, cinder, bone chips, coffee grounds, seeds, eggshells, and
other materials in wastewater that are heavier than organic matter.
Typical domestic sewage grit ranges from 105 to 300 um
Reasons for grit removal
*To protect moving mechanical equipment and pumps from unnecessary
wear and abrasion
*To prevent clogging in pipes, heavy deposits in channels
*To prevent cementing effects on the bottom of sludge digesters and primary
sedimentation tanks
*To reduce accumulation of inert material in aeration basins and sludge
digesters which would result in loss of usable volume
What is sedimentation
Sedimentation is the separation from water, by gravitational settling, of
suspended particles that are heavier than water
It is used for grit removal, particulate-matter removal in the primary settling
basin, biological-floc removal in the activated-sludge settling basin, chemical
floc removal.
In most cases, the primary purpose of sedimentation is to produce clarified
effluent but it is also necessary to produce sludge with solids cc that can be
easily handled and treated.
*Removal efficiency
*BOD5: 30~40%
*TSS: 50~70%
Types of settling /sedimentation (type 1)
Free discrete settling (type 1)
*Occurs in settling of a suspension of low solids
concentration <500 mg/L.
* Particles settle as individual entities,
*No significant interaction with neighbouring particles
* e.g. grit and sand particles from wastewater
no interaction between particles as they settle
Types of settling /sedimentation (type 2)
Flocculent settling (type 2)
*Occurs in dilute suspension of particles that coalesce, or
*Particles coalesce or flocculate during settling so that their mass
increases and settling velocity increases as they fall.
*Occurs in primary and secondary sedimentation tank treatments.
*Also occurs during removal of chemical flocs in settling tanks.
Interaction between particles as they settle
Types of settling /sedimentation (type 3)
Hindered settling (type 3)
*Occurs in suspensions of intermediate concentration (500 to
2000 mg/L)
*Interparticle forces hinder the settling of neighbouring particles.
*The particles tend to remain in fixed positions with respect to
each other, and the mass of particles settles as a unit.
*A distinct “solid-liquid interface” develops at the top of the settling
mass with clarified liquid above and particle mass below.
*Occurs in secondary settling facilities used in conjunction with
biological treatment facilities
Types of settling /sedimentation (type 4)
Compression settling (type 4)
*Occurs in solutions containing sufficiently concentrated
particles that they form a structure (gel-like).
*Settling occurs by compression of the structure (water
gets squeezed out) by the weight of additional solids
settling from above.
*Usually occurs in the lower layers of a deep sludge mass
(e.g. bottom of a deep secondary settling tanks; sludge thickening
The microorganisms degrade the organic matter and can
be classified into:
aerobic (require oxygen for their metabolism, get
their oxygen from air)
anaerobic (grow in the absence of oxygen from air)
(but when get it from sulphate (SO4
2- ), nitrate (NO3
carbonate (CO3
2+) and the like anoxic conditions)
facultative (can proliferate either in absence or
presence of oxygen).
Attached growth process
- The microorganisms are attached to a surface
over which they grow (ex. rock, plastic, wood) - Recycling of settled biomass is not required
Suspended growth process
- The microorganisms are suspended in the
WW - Recycling of settled biomass is required.
A measure of the character of organic matter
i.e. how easily it is oxidised by microorganisms
- BOD biological oxygen demand (BOD5 = BOD over 5
days )
(the amount of oxygen used in bio oxidation) - COD chemical oxygen demand
( the amount of oxygen used in complete chemical
Explain biological reactor
*In a biological reactor the microorganisms are not generally
dosed but are allowed to develop within the reactor and must
be allowed to reach a sufficient concentration to deal with the
amount of substrate to be removed.
*At steady state, the concentration of biomass in the reactor is
kept constant by removing an amount equivalent to the amount
of substrate removed.
Example of aerobic attached growth processes
- Trickling filter
- Rotating biological contactors
Aerobic attached growth processes
- Outer portion of biofilm is aerobic
- If film gets too thick then inner
portion can become anaerobic - When microorganisms near media
surface die => lose ability to attach to
surface and the biofilm de-attach: - New biofilm grows
- Causes high BOD and SS if the
effluent if not treated => add a
sedimentation basin.
Rotating biological reactor
- Media on rotating shaft
- Problem when shaft fails
- Issue restarting after
power failure - Usually applied to
populations < 500
Aerobic suspended growth processes
– Activated sludge process - most common secondary wastewater treatment
process in use.
– Aerated lagoons
– Sequencing batch reactors (SBR)
– Aerobic digesters (sludge treatment)
– Membrane bio-reactors (MBR)
*Suspension is achieved by mixing by mechanical stirrers or air bubbles
*The same equipment provides air /oxygen for the reactions
Important factors for biological reactors
Food to Mass ratio F/M
* Is there enough biomass in the reactor to deal with all the
carbonaceous matter coming in?
* Is there enough carbonaceous matter coming in to provide
food for the biomass and keep it growing?
Sludge Age Average residence time of bacteria must be
long enough to allow reproduction and not so long that a
significant proportion is dying or dead
Oxygen transfer rate – must be sufficient to meet the
demands of the reactions (stoichiometry/efficiency) Typically
uses lots of power
Problems with activated sludge bio reactor
- Reliant on power for aeration and returning sludge (RAS)
- Foaming (detergents, filaments)
- Poor settlement
Explain sequencing batch reactor
- fill, aerate, decant cycle in one tank
- no or very little RAS
Explain membrane bio reactor
- Membrane instead of settlement to separate flocs from final effluent
- No or little RAS
What is BNR
Biological nutrient removal
BNR is a process used for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from
wastewater using microorganisms before it is discharged into surface
or ground water
Aim is to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater – why? –
ammonia affects fish; nitrate and phosphorus are nutrients which
cause eutrophication in receiving waters (e.g. excess plant growth,
low dissolved oxygen, murky water, depletion of desirable flora and
What is a constructed wetland
Constructed wetlands can be defined as
engineered water saturated areas in
which the natural removal processes
for the water pollutants are reproduced
and enhanced in order to optimise the
purification performances.
Applications of Constructed wetlands
-Secondary treatment of domestic or municipal wastewater
industrial wastwater
- tertiary treatment at polishing stage in conventional treatment plants
- Diffuse pollution treatment : agricultural runoff, urban runoff, highway runoff etc…
- Landfill leachate
- Sludge dewatering and mineralisation
Classification: Types of macrophytes used
Constructed wetlands can be classified according to the life form of the
macrophytes (aquatic plants growing in or near water ) in the system:
- Floating : Macrophyte based system
- Submerged : macrophyte based systems
- Rooted emergent macrophyte - based system
The different types of water flow direction
Sub surface flow SSF
Free water surface FWS
The two basic principles of clarification
- Gravity settlement
- Buoyancy flotation
Air bubbles: Air bubbles are added or caused to form
in one of the following methods:
*Injection of air while the liquid is under pressure, followed
by release of the pressure (dissolved-air flotation DAF)
*Aeration at atmospheric pressure (air flotation)
*Saturation with air at atmospheric pressure, followed by
application of a vacuum to the liquid (vacuum flotation)
*Decarbonation and electrolysis
What is DAF
Dissolved air flotation : Enhances floc separation rates by attaching floc particles to microscopic air bubbles
Application of DAF
- Coloured waters
- High TOC and Natural organic matter content
- low to medium turbidity
- High algae causing filter problems
- High Fe and Mn seasonal content
What is coagulation/flocculation
*The purpose of coagulation/flocculation is to produce particles, by means of
aggregation, that can be removed by inexpensive particle-separation procedures such
as gravity sedimentation and filtration.
*Aggregation of particulate material is a two-step process: coagulation followed by
Explain coagulation
- Reduces the
interparticulate forces by
destabilising charged
species - Extremely rapid
process - Organic and inorganic
coagulants can be used
Explain flocculation
-The size of particles increases as a result of particle
(1) microflocculation (perikinetic flocculation),
particle aggregation is due to thermal motion of
fluid molecules - Brownian motion
(2) macroflocculation (orthokinetic flocculation),
particle aggregation is induced by velocity
gradient and mixing.
- Slow process - 20 to 40 minutes
- Temperature sensitive
- Flocculation aids (high molecular weight; low charge
density; anionic, cationic,non-ionic)
- Floc settling rate 0.1 to 3 m/h
Fundamentals of chemical oxidation and reduction
*Redox (oxidation-reduction) reactions involve the transfer of
electrons from one atom or ion or molecule to another atom or ion
or molecule.
*The driving force for the exchange of e- is a decrease in the
electrical potential.
*The addition of an oxidant to water involves a redox reaction
when e- are transferred from the reductant to the oxidant.
What is disinfection
removal or inactivation of pathogenic micro organisms
Not the same as sterilisation - removal or inactivation of all micro organisms
Usually the final barrier
Disinfection processes
- Chemical disinfection processes use powerful oxidising chemicals to inactivate or destroy the pathogenic micro organisms e.g chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, ozone
Chemical disinfection will inactivate most pathogenic micro-organisms
present in water
- Physical disinfection processes remove or deactivate the pathogenic micro-organisms
Physical processes for the disinfection of water either rely on energy
input for the inactivation of pathogenic organisms or physical separation
of the organisms from the water
e.g UV irradiation, fine membrane filtration
Ozone disinfection mechanism
1 - Bacteria cell
2- ozone molecule on the bacteria cell wall
3- ozone penetrates the cell wall
4- ozone oxidises the cell wall
5- bacteria cell after it has come in contact with a number of ozone molecules
6- cell destruction (lysis)
Chlorine demand
The amount of chlorine used up by the water
the pathogens themselves exert little chlorine demand
other substances present when the chlorine is added may use significant amounts in oxidation reactions
dissolved organics especially naturally colour substances forming unwanted DBPs
ammonia - high chlorine demand