was the treaty of versailles fair Flashcards
write an account of invasion of ruhr in 1923
disscuss impact of hyperinflation in 1923
describe the events in korea between june and september 1950
why was general macaurthur dissmissed from command of un forces in korea
what did woodrow wilson want from treaties
- joined as an ‘associated power’ not an allied power, stressing that their motives were different from the allies
-claimed us was fighting for world peace, ‘no conquest no dominion’
-believed Germany needed some punishment because it was unrestricted german submarine warfare that brought usa into the war
-wilson was an idealist
-believed this was a campaign for a more civilised world
-stubborn reformer
-democrat, refused to have republicans in his goverment
what were wilsons fourteen points
3-no restriction to free trade
5-for disputes regarding colonies, both governing country and colonised must be involoved
7- belgiums independence
8- alsace and lorraine
10-self determination in austro hungarian empire
14-league of nations
-gave the basis for the armistace of 11 no 1918
-very popular in europe
-usa deemed it too idealistic
what did georges clemencau want
about clemencau
-nicknamed tiger-constantly criticising those in gov
-held france together during the war and got the nickname ‘father of victory’
-key aim was to ensure germany would never threaten france again (weaken germany)
-motive: wanted to humiliate germany
what he wanted
-saarland, alsace lorraine, rhineland, colonie
what did David Lloyd George want
-war had cost the allies 147 billion dollars, they wanted Germany to pay, had lost overseas market to japan and USA
-orignally promised in elections that he would make germany pay the full cost of war
-in jan 1919 he aimed to be more moderate
-his motive was national self interest as if germany was not allowed to recover, europe wouldnt recover
-re-establish a balance of powers
-make britain wealthy
restore british naval supremacy
-got german fleet, some colonies and major trade competitor held back
-french wanted it for natural border against future invasion
-populatin was german so wilsons self determination says it should go to germany
-british didnt want it to go to france as it would give them too much power in europe
-rhineland remained part of germany but was demilitarised
-us and britain guaranteed to back france if germany attacked so france was satisfied but when is congress refused to ratify treaty the guarantee from us ended
-clemencau wanted coal rich saarland as compesation for flooding their mines during the war
-lloyd george supported
-wilson opposed as popultion was german
-was kept under ownership and soveriegnty of LON for 15 years then plebiscite in 1935 returned to germany
key terms of treaty of versailles
-article 231:war guilt
-reparations: 33billion dollars in 1921
-100,000 soldiers
-no airforce
-lost all colonies
-alsace lorraine
-no union with austria or russia
usa wilson
-got disarmament
-league of nations formed
-rhineland, saarland, all plebicites were success of self determination
-didnt get free trade( british naal supremacy)
france clemencau
–got reparations
-got alsace lorraine
-kind of got rhineland
-didnt et angloameracan treaty of backing
-wasnt secure
-germany wasnt punished enough
lloyd george
-terms were not too harsh germany could recover and british economy would flourish
- empire grew due to mandates
-naval strength increased
social impact of treaty
-germany didnt knew they lost, no soldier set foot on german soil, were fed propaganda victories
-war guilt shamed nation, humiliated them, propaganda convinced germans allies started the war(encirclement)
-dictated peace due to naval blockade
-reparations, loss of territory and industry how would germany recover? people judged by economy
-military tradition disarmament was humiliating and made them vulnerable
-diplaced germans- bitter resentment
-blamed weimar
political impact of treaty
-umeployed soldiers wwent to freikorps
-coups-kapp putcsh,beer hallp utcsh
-political murders: organisation consul murdered erzberger and ratheneau
-dolchsstoff stab in the back
-weak coalitions
economic impact of treaty
-lost all colonies, 13% land, an pay 33 billion dollars
-expenditure was high income was low
-invasion of ruhr
-failed to deliver timber and coal in 1923 and poincare sent troops to ruhr
-60,000 french and belgian troops siezed ruhr
-weimar called strike
-weimar printed money to pay causing hyperinflation
can the treaty be justified
-germany accepted the points only when it was clear they were losing in 1918 autumn
-traty of bretlitvok they were harsh as well and took 34% population ,50% industry and 300 million gold roubles
-clemencau wanted harsher treaty wilson and lloyd george prevented this from happening
-reparation in 1921 only cost 2% of germany’s annual production
-germanys main problem was war debt which it had planned to pay by winning the war and demanding reparations
-1924 dawes plan
-24-29 was successful for germany, germany produced twice as much steel as britain in 1925