Was Elizabeth Foreign Policy successful? Flashcards
What would your overall judgement be for a question on wether Elizabeths foreign policy was a success?
By the late 1580s Foreign policy was extended beyond the Netherlands, Northern France and Spain + the awareness/ importance of England at sea grew significantly. By 1594 the Spanish had been expelled from all of the lands in the northern Netherlands + Elizabeth made many strategic objectives which led to the triumphant success in the Netherlands. However, Elizabeth had to repeatedly rely on parliament for taxation to finance the war at sea + was forced to exploit traditional sources of revenue which dramatically increased crown/government expedincture. Overall Respect for the crown + elizabeth declined as a result of huge taxation and Jps were irritated by the job they had to perform, going around and constantly raising taxes for ordinary people which led to an increase in vagrancy and there was internal disruption and unrest caused by this.
Therefore overall Elizabeths FP was partially successful.
State the Key successes you would analyse in an essay on wether Elizabeths Foreign Policy was successful
- Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis + Intervention in Scotland
- 1585 Treaty of Nonsuch + intervention in Netherlands
- The defeat of the Spanish Armada
- Victories during continued war at sea:
1592 English capture of Madre De Dios + Capture at Cadiz
State the key failures you would analyse in an essay on wether Elizabeths Foreign Policy was successful
- Intervention in France in 1562 + The Treaty of Troyes.
- Elizabeth personal contribution to declining anglo-spanish relations such as;
encouragement of hawkins expeditions, impounding of the Duke of Albany’s money in 1568 + her expulsion of sea beggars in 1570.
- Appointment of the netherlands under the Earl of Leister + Failure to subdue Ireland partly due to command being placed under the Earl of Essex
- War with Spain (both the armada + continuation of 16 years of conflict at sea was incredibly expensive, dramatically increased crown + government expenditure,