Was Crucified, Died, And Was Buried (Topic 11) Flashcards
Why Crucified?
So Jesus could destroy the worst kind of death, at the hands of the people He was freeing
Why Buried?
Jesus not only accomplished victory but demonstrated it
Why Die?
So death and corruption could be destroyed by the Word in it
Atonement Models
Ways to explain the meaning and method of Jesus’s death and victory
Atonement Model:
Jesus puts to death our old humanity and offers up a new way to being human
Atonement Model:
The evil one was holding us and let us go because Jesus gave Himself up for us (hostage swap that backfires on the devil)
Atonement Model:
God has a need for justice but He give the punishment to Himself instead of us
Atonement Model:
Moral Inflence
Jesus death kindles us to be selfless
Atonement Model:
Christ replaces us for the punishment of our sins and pays the penalty
Atonement Model:
Christus Victor
Jesus dies to free us from the power of sin and death forever