Wartime conferences Flashcards
Where were the three conferences?
1) Tehran
2) Yalta
3) Potsdam
When was the Tehran conference?
When was the Yalta conference?
Feb 1945
When was the Potsdam conference?
July-Aug 1945
What was the purpose and tone of the Tehran conference?
Purpose: planning WW2 winning strategy.
Tone: cooperative, tensions low, common enemy.
What four things were agreed at the Tehran conference?
1) USA + Britain to attack Germany from West to ease pressure on Soviets at Eastern front.
2) USA + GB to invade Nazi occupied France at earliest chance.
3) Stalin would attack Japan once Nazis were defeated
4) Agreed to set up UN
What was the tone of the Yalta conference?
Tensions middling.
- -One 1 hand: End of WW2, common enemy fading. Capitalist UK, USA + France worried about communism spreading.
- -On other hand: UN promised cooperation, Stalin seemed not to want control over east Europe.
What six things were agreed at the Yalta conference?
1) German war criminals would be punished
2) USSR would attack Japan within 3 months of defeating Germany
3) Germany into 4 zones: USA, GB, USSR + France. Also Berlin + Vienna, despite being in Soviet zone.
4) Poland lost 30% of its land, claimed by Stalin, but was given a large part of eastern Germany.
5) Free elections in Poland + Soviet occupied countries.
6) New UN to be based in NYC.
Why was the tone of the Tehran and Yalta conferences more cooperative than potsdam?
1) Still had Nazis as common enemy.
2) President Roosevelt had had a good relationship with Stalin.
Who replaced FDR as President of the USA for the Potsdam Conference? What were his views?
Harry Truman. He was suspicious of Communism and did not like Stalin.
Churchill had recently lost the recent UK election. Who replaced him at the Potsdam conference?
Clement Attlee.
What four things were agreed at the Potsdam conference?
1) Nazis to be put on trial for war crimes
2) Germany to pay reparations to Allies
3) Germans in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary + Romania to be deported.
4) Free elections + press in Germany.
What three things created tension at the Potsdam conference?
1) Change of leaders; Truman untactful in negotiations
2) USA had used atom bomb on Japan without negotiating it, effectively ending WW2 + angering Stalin.
3) Stalin wanted influence in Poland.