Wartime Conferences Flashcards
Relationships at Tehran
Good working relationship between Stalin and Roosevelt particularly. Roosevelt came away thinking could likely work well together. Arguably high point in relationships, although discovery of Katyn massacre cast shadow.
Germany at Tehran
Considered as key by Allies.
Plans generally for occupation
Poland at conferences
Tehran and Yalta: Stalin concerned over border security and wanted pro-Soviet government
Agreed USSR could keep territories gained in 1939
As a consolation Poles to be given some German land
Churchill unhappy but agreed to avoid conflict in Greece
Potsdam: not holding promised free elections, west avoided confrontation despite obvious breakage of promises
Eastern Europe at conferences
Tehran: USSR demanded to keep territory, west reluctantly agreed despite conflicting within Atlantic Charter.
Yalta: agreed in free elections under soviet sphere of influence
Potsdam: communist government had been set up already in many countries
War with Japan at conferences
Tehran: USSR pressed to enter war against Japan - hence second front in Asia. Stalin refused until Germany was defeated.
Yalta: Stalin agreed to join against Japan
Potsdam: atomic bomb had been dropped the day before, Stalin impressed and rather scared.
United Nations at the conferences
Proposed at Tehran and everyone seeming fairly approving, especially Americans who really pushed for it as an alternative to the League of Nations.
Founded in April 1945 before Potsdam
Discussion of Germany at Yalta
Plans for division into four zones and punishment of war criminals for genocide.
Reparations discussed at Yalta
Stalin asked for $10 billion over 10 years including factories and industrial equipment. Allies refused and a committee set up to consider how much Germany should pay.
Reparations agreed at Potsdam
USSR would receive 25% of equipment from Germany and various reparations (?). But allies did not want to strip out Germany
Decisions on Germany at Potsdam
Deutsch mark introduced